blue moon (2)

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Only In Canada You Say? ©

What a day it’s been.
I have been up most of two days thinking about life in general and Kayla.
I was sitting at the computer all day fielding questions flying at me on MSN asking me if I had any news.
You see I have a lot of lurkers now, more than before because I have let all my backgammon friends have my URL.
Well actually I gave it to one person and he went and told everyone.
YEAH YOU, I know you are all reading.
To sceered to comment though EH.
Non the less many were worried and wanted to know any news as we all did about Kayla.
On the other computer, which is my private line to all the Bond Girls and Q, I have my yahoo there and I was talking with Monica who was waiting for news herself.
We were sitting there chatting innocently, really we were she works in a church and I don’t need God pissed off at me and making him shrink my underwear 10 sizes smaller giving me the wedgie of a lifetime but anyway I decided to go look at my cell phone provider because my contract is almost over and I want to see if there were any deals to be had.
As fate would have it while on their site I hit the wrong link and ended up in their internet section and I saw that they were having a deal on the internet.
If you are a new customer you get a BRAND SPANKING NEW 17 IN LCD MONITOR.
I so tell Monica about the deal and that I should cancel my account and reapply.
Her response?

Monica: LOL you Canadians are funny.
Walker: NO I am serious.
Monica: LOL yeah whatever.
Walker: Ok fine, don’t believe me.

I pick up the phone and call Bell Sympatico and wait for 20 minutes before the automated Bot Woman passes me to a human.

Woman: Hello, Bell Sympatico, how are you today?
Walker: A little frisky I guess.
Woman: Giggle, What can I do for you today?
Walker: Well I don’t think you can help with the frisky part because I can’t do phone sex with this phone, the battery doesn’t last long unless it’s a quickie and I mean 30 minutes but I wasted 20 waiting for you.
Woman: Giggle
Walker: Now what I am going to ask you will sound nuts but I want you to cut off my subscription and start me a new one so I can get the 17 inch LCD monitor.
Woman: I don’t think you’re nuts I would do it myself if I could.
Let me check your account.
Yes you are not on a contract anymore I think I could help you.
Walker: SWEET!

So she transferred me to another person and 5 minutes later they were sending me a new monitor from DELL and one month free and two months at twenty bucks and back to the normal price I am paying now.
That’s $400 for hitting the wrong link and a little flirting with the lady on the other end.

Walker: Yay, I got the monitor.
Monica: You Canadians are crazy, it wouldn’t work here, they would just cut me off if I tried

So all you Canadians out there with Bell Sympatico and are not on a contract, go have a look here.

10 Minutes Later

Monica: Whatcha doing?
Walker: Nothing.

Woman: Hello, welcome to Bell Mobility, How are you today?
Walker: A little frisky.
Woman: Giggle



Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A Parent's Thoughts ©

All the news is GREAT news.
Kayla is out and doing great. Head over and read Susans post.
If you were here you would have felt the wind blow past you as I finaly exhailed.
What a Warrior!!!!!

This has been a very fast month for me with a lot to do and I haven’t even posted some of what I have been up to yet.
I was sitting down today talking to someone and was telling him about Kayla and was told that it was a sad thing to have happen to someone so young but outside of general concern he couldn’t understand how I and many others could become so emotional about someone I have not met or know.

Well, you see I have met her but her name wasn’t Kayla, it was Amanda, another time it was Susie, Thomas, and Johnny ………
The names are different but they are all kids and to me there is nothing that makes me weak at the knees more than seeing kids in pain or sick.
I have been reading about Kayla’s battle to fight off cancer with a relentless fury and determination that could only fill ones soul with pride, respect and sadness that one so young should have to stand alone against something so evil that it puts fear into most of us.

I woke up one night to the cries of my daughter Alex.
I could feel the heat coming of her body as a bent down to see what was the matter.
She was 7 at the time.
She was burning up, so I bundled her up and raced to the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, CHEO for short.
My daughter was admitted and found to be dangerously close to dieing.
They submerged her into a tub filled with ice and water in and attempt to drop her temperature.
We spent 2 days there waiting for her to smile again.
At 6 my youngest Tina had her appendix burst.
We rushed her to the hospital when we saw her on the floor screaming like she was having her guts torn out.
The doctors did a great job in helping her get better.

While in the hospital waiting for my kids to be treated I looked around at the other kids and parents.
I was so …. Saddened to see such old eyes on so many young faces.
Then I look at the parents and see fear, despair, and a helplessness of not being able to do anything.
It's your duty to protect them and you feel like you have failed.
You want to fix it yourself and not have someone else do it.
This is your baby and there is nothing you could do but have to rely on strangers to save your precious.
My niece Amanda had us in this position recently.

Imagine sitting in that waiting room for hours staring at the door clutching a saliva covered germ infested stuffed toy, blanket she/he loves more than anything in the world, waiting for a green clad doctor to walk through and give you the news.
Will it be what you want to hear or your worse nightmare?
This is what it is to be a parent.
Helpless, lost in a scenario of possibilities with only one good outcome against the unspeakable.
How could something like this happen to someone so young so innocent, free of sin and full of laughter?
Many questions the answers are meaningless.
All you want is for it to be the way it was before the nightmare began.
I have met Johnny, Thomas, and Susie and yes Kayla.
I see them every time I look into the eyes of one of my own.

For today, my thoughts will be focused on one person, Kayla.


Monday, August 28, 2006

Where's My T-Shirt? ©


My Vice would be kissing your versa um not his versa the one belows versa gezz why did I put this one up anyway.


I have been saying that for years now someone get me my water wings.


Cuming and going at the same time. “Sigh”


Is that beat or he eats anorexics?


OK that’s all good but do you give head?


No wonder your eating her plain, her pussy is still stuck on your face.


If I did you would know it.




Uh ……. Yeah ………um …….. mmmmm …. “Sigh”




Gives new meaning to bare back riding “Wink”


I was wanted once.
They caught me.


So am I.


Woof Woof


Now does Harley Davidson know how to accessorize or what?


Forget the fine print.

Ok ladies it’s only fair since I indulged in my favorite past time BOOBS, I give you some eye candy too.


I wonder how many of you will notice the bottle on the bottom right side even with me telling you its there.

Have a nice day.

OH, stop by tomorrow.
I have a favor to ask.


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Greek Style ©

Before I put up my new post, I would like to thank all of you for all your comments on the previous post and all were great comments.

Arms stretched out singing and stomping his feet, Archie’s voice bellowed across the yard causing people to jump out of their seats.
The lokaniko (Greek sausage) was barbecued along with five pounds of jumbo shrimp.
The tiropites and spanakopites were brought out to join the appetizers because you can’t drink Metaxa (Greek Brandy) without appetizers and Archie was waving his arms around singing Greek party songs and pointed out his throat was parched.
I brought out two bottles and a stack of disposable shooter glasses and if they wanted to or not EVERYONE got a shot of Metaxa.
Looking around making sure that everyone was armed he look at me and raised his glass to me and was followed by 37 others and I raised mine to my mother and they all followed.
The party was on.

People were eating, laughing and joking around with people they never met before but knew through my stories to them over the years.
I was wrong all these years keeping these people apart.
This was the first time I invited Archie and he was ecstatic to be invited in fact he was the hit of the bbq.
He said he didn’t eat for two days so he could pack it in.
If he misses one meal he faints so I didn’t believe that for a second.
There were people who had never been to one of my bbq’s before who acted like veterans because they were welcomed like the rest and felt comfortable.
Archie was pouring Metaxa like a broken dam and everyone was saying NO with outstretch glasses to be refilled yelling OPA.
The drinking just went on until there were two empty bottles on the table.

I was at the bbq like every year with all these retired cooks over my shoulder itching to get their hands on my tongs to take over.
I don’t mess up.
Oops, a souvlaki rolls down the laneway.
Tongs are snatched out of my hands before I can look up.
Well come on, there were 80 of the fucken thing on the grill gezz.
I have chicken and pork souvlaki.
Pork is the traditional meat but chicken has become popular recently and I make equal amounts of both.
Now that I have been exiled to the sidelines and two more than capable 77 year olds doing the cooking I went in and started bringing out the rest of the food which consisted of meatballs taramosalata which is a caviar dip, musaka a casserole with eggplant and potatoes with a rich cream and baked until golden brown, pastichio a macaroni casserole with the same cream baked the same way as the musaka and various salads along with what was left of the appetizers.
When the souvlaki were done and still hot they were dumped into an oil, lemon garlic and oregano solution to soak for a bit and then I took them all to the banquet table with the other food.
When I was happy everything was out I called on everyone to help themselves.
Half were feeling no pain from the Metaxa and stumble to the table.
It was only 6 pm.
As they all filled their plates I told them I would be back and went inside to take a quick shower and put on my clean clothes.
As I walked in the bedroom I swear both cats were squatting side by side in front of it getting ready to go for a dump.
They moved quickly sporting these guilty looks on their faces.
We are going to have a talk later.
I took my clothes and locked them in my bedroom again then went for my shower.
As I am in the shower there is a knock on the door.
“Yes” I called out.
“Can I come in, I won’t look”
It’s one of the female guests.
“Ha Ha Ha yeah right” twenty minutes ago she was telling me she hasn’t been laid in months and is due.
“You will have to wait”.
I wasn’t going to be locked in the bathroom naked with a horny 26 year old that’s drunk.

After my shower I went to my bedroom and the door was open.
Fuck the cats got out.
I go in and there are two women playing with my cats to Emme’s delight.
Frick was trying to get away from his captor with the door now open.
Now just five minutes ago I put the food up so I could get the chance to take a shower and all of a sudden I got three women upstairs.
What did they do deep throat their food.
“OK, everyone out except Frick and Emme”
Frick was pissed he was giving everyone a dirty look.
He missed his big break attempt.
Emme didn’t care she got petted.
Now fully dressed in black and cats locked again in the room I went outside to join the others.

They were all sitting around eating when I got a plate to put food on.
I didn’t know where to start and to be honest with you I wasn’t really hungry after all the cooking I have been doing all week.
Filling my plate I found a chair and put it down then I grabbed my first beer and loaded another 24 in the cooler and went to eat.
I sat next to G and Rick opposite Archie and we took shots at each other to the laughs from the others around us.
He was giving me a good go but I have had years of doing this and as soon as he put a souvlaki to his mouth I told him to wait and stood up and walked over a few feet.
He asked me why I moved and I told him it was in case the meat was tuff and he yanked to hard sending his dentures flying at my head.
He just froze trying not to laugh with his mouth open and before he could say anything I hit him with “close your mouth your giving me a hard on making his eyes bulge then he just let it go and everyone laughed with him.
He shook my hand and said I have been practicing.
What can I say, I learned from the best.
Most of the dinner went like that a lot of laughs and fun.
When dinner was over they all helped me clear away the tables.
Seeing as all the dishes were disposable as were the forks and knives it went quick and the platters went in to be washed and everything was cleared in minutes and the drinking started.
I was moving around and sitting with everyone like a good host and having a drink with everyone.
Everyone had spread out and was mixing it up and laughter poured out of the yard.
I went over to see my mother and sat with her for a bit.
She was tired, she put in a lot of work for someone 79 years old and she was going nonstop.
My mother spends most of her days either watching my niece or baking which pretty much explains my father’s waistline.
We sat there talking and she pointed out a guest and asked me who it was.
I looked at him and you know……I have no fucken idea who he was.
I figured he was someone else’s guest because I told everyone they could bring a guest and their kids.
I got up and walked to him.
“Hi, having a good time” I asked?
“Hey, yeah this is great”
“If you don’t mind me asking but who did you come with”?
“Oh, I was walking by and heard everyone having fun and I walked in and someone gave me a beer. If there is a problem I will leave”.
Now here is a guy off the street who is walking down the street and hears a party happening and decides to just stroll in and join.
What do you think I am going to do?
“Well this is private party and you just walk in off the street and helps yourself to my beer and you ask me if there is a problem”?
Now people you have to remember, I am two sheets to the wind and sporting a nice buzz.
“Well yes I have a problem”.
“You walk on my property without being invited and drink my beer”.
“I guess you want to fuck my wife next”?
“NO NO I don’t want to fuck your wife”!!!!!!
“ Why, what’s wrong with my wife”?
“Nothing, I don’t even know who your wife is”?
“You see….. What’s your name anyway”?
“Paul” he offers.
“Paul…..hmmmm…you don’t live in York do you by any chance”?
“ No just up the street”.
“Well Paul, here is the deal, you can’t drink my booze unless you eat my food, so take a plate and help yourself”.
“Oh, and if you want to fuck my wife, she is the one in the corner.
She will answer to Archie for short and don’t worry about the mustache she’s Greek”.
I walked away into another group of people leaving him to enjoy himself.

You see I have crashed a number of parties and even a wedding once where I had dinner and kissed the bride so what the fuck, he wasn’t bothering anybody.
This was the time the shooter girl came out with a tray of jelly shooter and started passing around.
There is always a bit of a fight to be shooter girl every year.
Not so much because they love me but they get to drink most of the jelly shooters  LOL!!!!
Everyone was grabbing 2-3 at a time and slurping them down.
You never saw that many tongues wiggling around all at once.
It took them about an hour before 100 shooters were but a memory.
They all loved the green ones like they do every year.
No one can figure out why.
It might have something to do with I almost only use vodka to make them.
We then got into the bottles of scotch and rum.
Deb’s husband was feeling no pain ad he got up with the rest of the parlamentarians that were there and said that they should name this Walker Day and make it a national holiday.
Well it is Saturday so it pretty much is.
My mother was surprised no one wanted coffee.
I tried to explain to her that no one drank coffee when they were out to get drunk.
It’s the next day they want coffee.
As the night the crowd dwindles to the last three at 3:am when they walked out the door and it was officially over.

The next day I was sitting in the TV room when Mike came by and dropped next to me still all messed up from the night before.
He told me he would never try and do what I did the night before.
Then he asked me why did I bother?
Over the years I have done this 20 times and countless New Years Eve and Super Bowl parties at my cost.
I don’t hold them because I have heaps of money because I don’t, in fact it took me three months to pay for this, I do it for the memories, for me and them.
When Mike had left I went upstairs to the end room and got out my photo albums.
I lay there on the bed and I leafed through page after page looking at the faces.
Many were here tonight twenty years later; older maybe wiser but the smiles on their faces were the same as was the fire that burned in their eyes.
Some of the faces are no longer here, gone to that bbq where we will all join them one day.
But in some way they were there in spirit because some of the campfire stories brought up their names again into the open, giving them life one more time even for that one night.
I sit here writing this right now pausing periodically wondering whose face will I not see next year.
It maybe mine.
Life is fragile, fate is swift, so enjoy life today and leave memories for others to bring you back to life when they need you to help them smile.

The BBQ was a hit
My friends are the best and you are my friends too.
So I say to you in Greek, “Steen Eeyeas Sas”
“To your health”


The music if it’s playing, is basically Greek belly dancing music so if you’re inclined get up and shake those hips.
What do you say MrH?


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Sex Talk: What Do We Deserve? ©

For today’s Sex Talk I am lending out my blog to someone who wants to ask for your opinion on a matter.
It’s something many of us have experienced before.
I will submit my opinion as I would on her blog when she posts, in the comments box.

Is sex something that a partner deserves or doesn’t deserve?  
I always thought of it as something that is emotional and physical combined.  
In order to deserve something one would have to earn it.  
Sex is an act of desire a wanting, needing, and craving for someone’s touch.
This came about the other night when we were going to make love and I said something about it being the third time in two days (and loving every minute of it) when he says, “I deserve it.”  
I am thinking, “You deserve it?!?  
What does he mean by that"?!?  
What I said was, “And I don’t?”  
His reply was, “Oh.  You deserve it to.”  
This does not set well with me.  
Neither partner deserves to have sex.
To deserve it would mean that you earned it.
When you earn something that means you are getting some kind of payment for it.  
To me, as a woman, this smacks of prostitution.  
The whole thing is just wrong, is this how other people think?  
Am I wrong to think that he wants to have sex because I am desirable to him and he wants me for me and what exactly does he think he did, to deserve sex?  
We are a married couple, we are supposed to be sharing our lives with each other and not making brownie points so we can cash in for sex.  
Does this mean if I don’t feel like it and he does, that I have to do it because he feels he deserves it?  
No one, male or female, should be made to feel that they have to have sex; this takes the pleasure and satisfaction out it.  
I am sure there are times when we all have done it for other reasons.
It happens once in a while but for the most part, sex should be something that two consenting people do because this because it is what they both desire, not deserve.
I ask for your thoughts on this?

Have a nice Weekend


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Friends ©

Friendships are made and some dissolve and others well they never truly were friendships.
At the bbq this Saturday something happened, a reunion between two teenage friends.

Once upon a time newly arrived teens found each other in a lonely city where they knew few people and nothing of the language.
This is what most immigrants found as they stumbled off of the boat in Halifax.
Then there was the long bus ride that took 12 hours to here where they now and still call home.
They went to school together and they dropped out together.
As they grew up they stayed together and when one became a soccer player the other went to all of his games.
The other one became a professional gambler and many a night his buddy stayed to watch him play or to pass some money over when he was broke or needed a stake to get into a game.
They shared many a woman and partied in many a city.
I remember when they both took off to pick tobacco for one summer.
When one got married they partied like it was the biggest day of the year only to be repeated when the other wed.
They were closer than brothers and in fact even family treated them like brothers.
I knew both of these men because they helped raise me.
One was my father’s youngest brother the other was Archie so you can see why I have close bonds to Archie he was my baby sitter for years.
I could sit here and tell you stories about these two all night long.

Not wanting to be locked up in the house because of me they just took me where they wanted to go like the pool hall and they used to get into fights.
I remember one time in a brawl at the pool hall, I was about 8; They were slugging it out in a major fight and instead of hiding in a corner or under a table I was whacking someone’s knees with a pool cue that was hitting my uncle.
All that got me was a boot sending me across the room but gave my uncle the upper hand.
These two me helped mold my youth in some ways.
Archie is bold and direct.
My uncle is cunning but swift.
As they got older and more responsibilities were on them they saw less of each other and then one day in 94 the unbelievable happened, they got into an argument where my uncle hit Archie across the face.
Archie full of rage picked up a street trash can and put it through a store window instead of my uncle and waited for the police to come and get him.
That was the last time they saw or spoke to each other in this small piece of the world.
One incident destroyed a lifetime of friendship and memories.
Twelve years passed, children were born, family died, life happened and no one to share with.

At the bbq the other day Archie was sitting with my parents when my uncle Nick walked into the back with my aunt and one of his kids.
All of us that knew the story stopped and watched.
Archie saw him come in and stood up, looked at him and with tears streaming down his face walked down the steps and went to meet him
They stood there for what seemed an eternity in the silence of the whole crowd now holding each other and crying.


Monday, August 21, 2006

Camp Fire Stories ©

Another year and another bbq has come and gone.
Like previous ones this one was a fun time and produced laughs, tears and memories.
I’m sitting here trying to find a way to write a post that has 100 stories and am stuck because of the multitude of emotions I saw and felt.

Let’s take a look at the guest list.
There were painters, lawyers, political aids, accountants, a producer for a national sports channel, a cashier from Wal-Mart, 2 retired chefs, a cleaner, a micro biologist, a millwright, telecommunication specialists, bank execs, an antique dealer, a car rental employee, bartenders…
As you can see there was a diverse crowd, just the way I like it because I find they share more while explaining what they do and the also see that they are all the same too.
As the sun started to set it took on a campfire atmosphere and the stories started coming out and we all shared.
Archie and I were cracking jokes and taking shots at each other most of the night causing people to spew their drunks through their nose sometimes only to create more laughs.
I will share with you now some of the stories that were passed around as best as I can recall them.
I guess since Archie was the heart of the bbq it’s only fair I start with him.

When I first got to Canada I was 10 and I went to school and I didn’t understand English so it was hard.
There were these other Greek kids and they used to help me understand.
There was this one time when we had to go outside and play baseball.
I had never played this before all we played in Greece was soccer.
John this Greek kid explains it to me.
He said you hit the ball and run to the pillow at the end of the white line.
So I went up to the plate and they gave me this fat stick.
The pitcher threw the ball and I hit it out of the yard and started to run.
As I got close to the pillow, John starts yelling at me to run home at the top of his voice.
So I get to the pillow and keep running as fast as I can.
I look behind me and everyone was yelling and shaking their hands at me.
This only made me run faster.
When I looked back I could see them now chasing me but I knew they wouldn’t catch me and kept on running.
When I got through the gate I ran for another 4 blocks until I got home and locked in the door.
My bother came to see who came in.
I lived with my older brother.
He asked me why I was home and I told him that they sent me home.
At that moment they doorbell rang and my brother opened it to a group of kids and a teacher.
After he was told what happened he smacked me in the head and sent me back
How was I supposed to know what home was.
John said run home so I did.


I remember going into the cleaner’s office one day.
Jimmy and Angelo were there eating lunch.
I sat down with the sandwich and soup I bought from the cafeteria.
While sitting there they asked me how much I paid for my meal.
When I told them they told me that I was wasting my money and should just make a lunch and bring it home.
Of course they were right but I couldn’t be bothered doing that.
I asked them what they were eating and Jimmy said tuna sandwiches.
There was a great deal on tuna so he bought ten cans.
He fished one out of the drawer and tossed it to me.
I looked on the can and there was a picture of a cat.
I read on and it was cat food they were eating.
I didn’t know what to do.
I wanted to puke every time they took a bite and they had ten fucken cans of the stuff.
Not being able to watch them anymore I told them they were eating cat food.
They sat there looking at me.
He took the can and looked at it.
I asked him why they didn’t notice the cat on the label and he said that he just thought it was just like a decoration.


Since we are sitting here getting drunk I might as well tell about another time we had gone to a wedding in a small town fifty miles from home.
Personally I had never been there but this was a special weekend and that’s why they chose to get married here now.
The town was celebrating its 150th year and it was all decked out with flags and fresh paint on all the facades of the main street.
Going to the motel we had reserved months in advance we stowed our gear and went out to see the place a bit before we headed to the wedding.
It was a nice little town that had been invaded by thousands of people for the party the next day.
Going back to the motel, we changed and then we drove to the hall where the wedding ceremony was held and the dinner.
There were about 200 people out there already when we arrived.
The ceremony was great and the bride was beautiful even if the dress did make her look like a big marshmallow.
Oh she was slim, it was all the dress.
If she were to dance in the bridal suite peeling off layers it would have been the dance of the 147 veils rather than the 7.
Anyway we sat down and ate and the drinking started and the dancing.
I don’t know what happened or when but I woke up in the motel with the bride’s friend who I had to ask for her name.
I met Dave outside later and he looked just as bad as I did.
The three of us went to the restaurant where there were more living dead people having breakfast.
It must have been one hell of a night because I couldn’t remember anything.
As we were sitting there news was going around the room that someone had stolen the limo from the wedding and went for a joyride up and down the sidewalks of main street.
It seems one person was driving and another standing on the roof and they were taking all the flags off of the posts and sticking them in the limo.
The police later found the limo but not the flags.
Gezz what moron would steal flags?
We finished breakfast and I said bye to everyone including…. What was her name?
Outside we waited for a cop car to go by and then crossed to the pickup truck and drove out of town.
We got back home where he dropped me off at my house but as he drove off I noticed a pile of flag poles sticking out the back of the truck.
NAW, it can’t be………..


I was working in the fields with my brother when I saw something move.
Going over to see what it was, I saw the tail end of a snake.
There was about two feet of him left outside of the hole he was crawling into.
I looked around for a stick to beat it with.
Finding a stick I walked up to it a whacked it once and I felt this sharp pain from my ass.
I turned around and there was this snake and he just bit me.
While his tail was following his head down the hole the other end came out another hole
Behind me and bit me in the ass.
My brother grabbed a stick and killed the snake then rushed me to the doctor.

My Mother

There were many more shared for most of the night.
Most funny some were somber.
The best entertainment is sitting all around you, all you have to do is share as I am doing right this moment with you.

OMG Archie is dancing and singing on the table………….

Have a nice day


Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Day After ©

The day after
Umm I mean the night after.
I woke up not in the bed I started in last night and I was suspiciously naked when I distinctly remember passing out fully dressed.
Getting out of bed, I followed the trail of clothes back to the master bedroom.
I peeked around the corner and took a look at the bed to see if it was empty.
Hey it was a wild one last night who knows, I found myself in a different room naked didn't I.
Nope the bed was empty and my pants were in the cat’s water bowl and they were soaked.
Poor cats probably had to suck the ass end of my pants for a drink.

I didn’t have a hang over but I was floating all over the place.
We had a great time last night and I have a lot of posts coming your way.
I’ll tell you about the food and the drinking.
We had singing, drama and laughter.
There was a moment when a few of us stopped and look at a reunion that should have happened years ago take place.

I got to see some tits
Someone asked me to marry her
I was propositioned by two women but I had to tell them my baklava was spoken for.
Remember when I said I wanted no one to bring me booze and only plants.
They brought both and a bottle of 40 year old scotch was cracked open and the party went wide open aftrer that because 3 more bottles followed that one and that was after a bottle of brandy for appetizers and 4 cases of beer.
Those that indulged in the wacky weed went for a walk and came back asmiling.
Young and old the party was a hit.
I have about 10 posts to write from that night but that will have to wait until I recover but I will give you something from today.

Remember those barrels that have been stinking up my house.
Well they won.
Tonight I got rid of them.
I hauled them out of the basement and let me tell you they looked new but whaaaaa they smell horrible.
I took them outside and as I put one on the sidewalk someone pulled over and asked I was throwing them out?
I said yes and he asked if he could have it.
I told him he could and if he liked I had one more too.
To show how nice I am, I even loaded them in his trunk for him.
Poor bastard.
Right then I am going to go lay down and see if my world will slow down for me to pass out.
I hope you all had a splendid weekend and I will be seeing you all tomorrow.


Saturday, August 19, 2006


Today’s the day I have been planning for three months.
Family and friends will be piling in tonight for my annual bbq.
This will almost be the biggest I have ever had but this will be the most and largest selection of food I have ever had.
The house is clean….sorta…….as long as no one venture towards the basement and opens the door to the scent of Pine Sol, bleach, mothballs, my winter boots, two litter boxes and yes……….DEATH BARRELS.
I used so much pine sol on the stupid things I smell like a cheap hooker.

I got to deal with the cats.
I have to lock them up because they are housecats and don’t go outsides.
Frick may make a run for it and has in the past but Emme only makes it to the door and remembers her food dish and runs back into the kitchen.
I want to lock them in the bedrooms because the basement stinks but I know what I will find after.
How is it people can hold it for hours and animals can’t?
It’s because they don’t want to.
If you had to go and you couldn’t, you would hold it.
You’re trapped in an elevator with someone else for 8 hours.
Man, do you got to go
You’re walking around the elevator pretending you’re stretching your legs but in actual your are tensing up your groin muscles holding back the flood pushing up against that thin desire to open the gates but you can’t because you are not alone and if you were….. Someone is going to come through that elevator door eventually.
So you hold it.
You can’t even fart.
What are you going to say, “You did it”?
I don’t think they will believe you.
Imagine having to hold it for days.
Just think how strong your muscles will be after holding it for that long.
The first time you sit on the toilet it will be like sitting on a geyser.
You hear and feel the water churning between your legs.
Your butt will be so tight you’ll be able to crack walnuts and your pussy could spit peas across the room.

What’s the cat thinking locked in the bedroom?
The fucker has been making all this food for the past 2 weeks getting me hungry and now he locks me in a room where I can’t get any, what’s up with that?
I’m shitting on the floor.
Not on the bed, I sleep on that but right there just in front of the door where he can’t see it in time so he steps in it.
I hope it’s a wet one to.
Serve him right for changing my food on me.
And what’s the story with those big things he has in the basement next to my toilet.
Those things make my shit smell sweet.
That stupid Emme went over and licked one and her tail started twitching like the time mine did when I licked that box on the wall behind the TV.

Oh I got to go.
I will be back adding to this post over the weekend so catch you later.
Gezz, look at that…………….

It's 2:30 and I am ready at last.
I have recieved two plants via delivery so far.
I got 100 jelly shooters, two 24's of beer and more on its way ready and 20 people will be drinking so it should be a loud bbq by the end of the night.
Looks like i will be signing off for now until everyone leaves and see you all later here to tell you how it went.
We did almost loose one thing though as my mother was walking and she tripped and almost spilled this tray.....hmmm I can't upload a picture


Thursday, August 17, 2006

OPA!!!! ©

This is going to be a short post because I really have no time.
I had to squeeze in moving a friend today as well which is done now but I am back in my other duties duties.
Two days left before my bbq.
I have 40 confirmed and 4 more have called that they will be coming in from Montreal.
I lost my shooter girl but G offered to take over the shooter girl duties and even offered to wear a low cut shirt.
I thanked her and told her she didn’t need a low cut short because being 5 foot tall everyone can see down her top now.

My menu has changed a bit this year.

Lokaniko – Greek sausage
Jumbo Shrimps
Marinated olives
Feta Cheese (I can’t think of cheese right now)

Main Course
Souvlaki (140 of them, chicken and pork)
Tomato salad
Cucumber salad
Lemon potatoes

Baklava “Maybe”
And I hear a couple of boxes of pastries and baklava from Montreal’s best Greek Pastry shop are on their way here.

You can get most of the recipes from this POST if you want and there is one for BAKLAVA if someone wants to make it in TEXAS.
This better be enough that’s all I got to say.

The house is as ready as it going to get.
I am NOT cleaning house for a fucken month.
Ok the washroom only.
And the Kitchen
Maybe the bedroom and the TV room
Probably the computer area

I think the fucken cat is laughing at me.

Now on the barrel front
Hmmm, I am going to say I am winning the war BUT they still stink.
So I was thinking that maybe I should take the odor eaters from my shoes and seal them in the barrels what do you think?

Last night a friend picked me up and we went to the Greek Fest.
The band was on stage and the Greek dancers were flying around the open area.
I know you ladies would have liked it, the 200 women up front sounded like they did.
But who wants to watch 15 young guys dressed black strutting 5 feet away?
I wish I had brought my camera but I had forgotten it at home.
There was this women in her 90’s from an old age home, body bent forward with age grasping this walker in one hand, her other arm was thrust as high as she could get it and was grabbing the sky with the beat of the music.
I could see the smile on her face and a glint in her eyes that could only be seen in the eye of a child.
That’s one picture I will hold in my personal album up here forever.
It’s all about having fun with friends and strangers.
I will be touching on more on this after Saturday.

But before I left to go to the Gree Fest I needed something to wear so I fished through my closets and everything I found looked to big now that I have lost so much weight.
While going down the row of hung leans I entered the forbidden part of the closet.
This is what I used to wear when I wasw with my first EX 18 years ago.
Ha Ha Ha
What a dream that would be.
I took down a pair of Levis and for the hell of it tried them on.
They fit.
So I went to the hallway closet and fished out the Jean jacket and fuck if it didn't button up without suck my gut in and farting from the other end.
I have gone from a 52 to a 40. Can we hear 36?
Maybe 38?
A well, hey all I am doing is drinking water and not drinking booze but man can I sniff out a joint.

While I was at the Greek festival I did take one picture for Monica with my cell phone.


A baklava stand.

And answering a person’s request to see my bed, I don’t know why but hey what do I care.
Here is part of it.
It’s just too big to get a whole bed shot.

Aw hell since I am in the bedroom and no one wants to see an empty bed I took my first NAKED PICTURE to.
Tell me what you think.

I am going to have to scoot for awhile but I will be back and I may have a Sex Talk for you tomorrow.
I have to weigh how much shit I will get first.
Have a nice day


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Oh Oh That Smell Part 2 ©

It’s 9 am and I am not only sleepy but also tired.
I hardly got any sleep last night.
They were banging all night tearing the wall in the basement apart looking to see if there was any mold behind the wall causing that smell.
Yeah yeah I know, shut up.
I heard it already from:
Monica: Did they laugh when you told them about the barrels?
Walker: Told who? Are you nuts they will kill me if I tell them
Vickie: What do you mean you didn’t tell them? You’re bad.
Walker: Maybe so but its been 12 hours and they have looked all day and I ‘m not saying a word.

Listen, I wanted to take the fucken barrels outside and ditch them but they had already emptied the kitchen in the yard and were sitting out there trying to figure it out what to do next.
What do you think I was having fun sitting in the house with something that smelled like the rotting feet of a fucken corpse.

Frick barely made it back upstairs after going to the litter box.
EMME stopped eating so she won’t have to go.
Just think, EMME stopped eating.
The cat eats her food, Frick’s food, MY FOOD and will even eat imitation wax food if it looked good and she STOPPED eating so she won’t have to go to the litter box.

When they went for some lunch I took some of your advice and went out and bought 2 gallons of bleach, one for each barrel.
I wasn’t taking any chances
If I couldn’t get them out of the house I was going to try and get rid of the smell at least.
I went to the store where I got the barrels and asked the guy how he could bear having those smelly barrels in his store and WHY wasn’t the cheese in there rotten.
He said they didn’t smell.
Where have I heard that before?
That’s my fucken line and we ALL know I was lying.
So he took me to the back cooler room and he had 4 open barrels and they didn’t smell at all?
Sooooooooo I asked him why did the ones he gave me smell.
He said he didn’t know.
They apparently have been sitting in the side room for the last month in A RECORD FUCKEN HEAT WAVE.
No wonder they smell like hell.
They have been rotting in 40c temps and that’s outside.
In there they were was probably 60c.
So I get back home and through the back without being spotted with the bleach.
It would have been hard to explain it since I never need it.
Inside the house I stood at the top of the stairs looking down into the dark reeking dungeon wondering,
1. Do I need these barrels?
2. How much could it cost to buy new ones?

I opened the light and looked down.
Just then something grabbed me by the ankle.
I looked down and it was Emme.
She was holding me back from going down.
I’m the only one that could open the cans.
Shaking her off I proceeded downstairs.
I could hear the wall being torn apart on the other side of the wall separating the two houses.
I made my way to the front corner where the slop sink is and the two barrels.
Holding my breath I opened a gallon and poured it in the barrels.
I then took a brushes and a scrubbed one down.
Both cats were at the top of the stairs on their bellies staring at me.
Probably laughing at me.
If you think the smelled bad before, that was nothing.
Throw in a gallon of bleach and you would think you were stranded on a rotting cabbage patch.
Have you ever gone by a pulp mill and there is this smell like rotten cabbage that makes you want to gag.
Well this is worse.
I was sweating buckets and not from the work but lack of oxygen from holding my breath for long periods of time.

Buried all the way down the barrel, I forced myself to look in it to see what I was doing and pretended it didn’t smell bad but it didn’t work and I found myself gagging a couple of times.
After I had scrubbed it for as long as I could without passing out, I went to the sink and rinsed it out, then turned and shuddered at the thought of repeating it to the other one.
Twenty minutes later I crawled up the stairs looking for a breath of less fowl air.
Lets face it the whole house smelled now.
It was everywhere and god only knows what they were thinking by now next door.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a demolition crew pulled up tomorrow.

It’s been two hours now and my hands…
They’re so fucken clean.
Look at these……………………
I don’t know what happened to the hair though.
BUT, I don’t smell it as much.
Or I have lost all sense of smell now.
I went downstairs and I could barely smell them now but of course the whole basement smelled like bleach.
Looking into the barrels the looked so clean in and out but I think they still smelled a bit so I washed them one more time.

With any luck they won’t smell tomorrow and hopefully all gone by the time of my bbq.
I decided to go next door for a while and breathe some clean air.
I walked in and sat down. My father had washed the whole basement now and put the siding back up on the wall.
He said that it must have been mold because after they washed the basement it didn’t smell as bad as before.
I told him it must have been it but I didn’t smell anything anyway.

My mother took my hand and looked at it then said it looked really clean.

Have a nice day


Monday, August 14, 2006

Oh Oh That Smell ©

The phone rang early in the morning.
Fumbling I grab the stupid thing but manage to knock everything off the night table not to mention squashing Emme (who is in her corner of the bed) to the point where her eyes are bulging and her tongue is hanging out the side of her mouth.
I answer the phone and it’s my mother and she wants to know if I smell anything.
I look at my clock
OMG its 10 am
I don’t like getting up before 12.
Bankers Hours
I told her I didn’t smell anything and hung up and went back to sleep.

I couldn’t get back to sleep and went downstairs and check my blog.
Don’t we all?
I open my 2 Msns, Yahoo, and Aim, not that I have a fucken choice they open on their own anyway.
Hmmmmm 79 emails
178,402,768 junk mail0
The phone rings again and its my mother asking me if I was sure I didn’t smell anything.
I told her no and hung up again.

Taking bottled water out of the fridge I went next door to my parents house.
We live side by side and share the center wall.
The kitchen look like a hurricane hit it.
“Do you smell that” my mother asked?
My father comes from the basement with the news that it smells more down there than it did upstairs.
Just then my brother came in with my niece.
The kid stopped dead in her tracks and looks down at her fathers feet then up at her father and told him his feet smelled.
“What the fuck stinks my brother asked”?
I told him I didn’t smell anything.
My mother told him my nose was dead.
He went down with my father and started moving freezers around to see if anything had fallen out and in the back of them but they found nothing.
The SIL walked in all decked out in leather.
She just got a new bike and was going for a ride.
She made a funny face that resembled her daughter’s not half an hour earlier and asked what stunk.
I told her I had no idea what they were all talking about.
They started looking in the cupboards to see if something had broken and started to spoil or rot but again they were fruitless to find as far as I was concerted, a none existent odor.

After a bit I got up and went to the door, as I got there my brother asked me again if I smelled anything and I said no, maybe it was something that the wind blew in and left.
I walked into my house and went straight to the basement.
I sat on the second to last step and stared at the center of the basement.
“What the fuck am I going to do with you”?
Sitting in the center of my basement floor were two small empty wooden barrels.
The used to contain cheese and MAN did they FUCKEN SMELLLLLLLL!!!
It was painful sitting 4 feet away from them

Yesterday someone offered them to me that works at a store across the street.
I figured they were small and if I clean, sand, stain them that they would make great plant stands.
I washed them once in the back yard and that didn’t do anything so I went in and got a bottle of Pine sol and pour half in each one and scrubbed the shit out of them.
Rinsed them out and let them dry for a couple of hours.
I went to get them later and WHOOOOOOOOOA!!!!!
No one needed to tell me where that smell was coming from.
So I decided to bring them in the house and use hot water and pine sol.
In the basement I went through the same routine I did outside but with hot water this time.
I left them downstairs to dry this time.
As I was sitting at my computer Emme starts going at my ankles with her teeth and fucken hard to.
I shove her aside but there’s no way she is stopping.
She just kept coming at me aggressively.
Then Frick is on the desk looking at me funny.
Fuck it was beginning to look like a Steven King novel.
Then I smelled my t-shirt and almost passed out.
It smelled hike the barrels, so I took it off and tossed it to the floor and both cats jumped at it.
WTF am I going to do with these stupid barrels I have no idea but I do know one thing, the only thing that will get that smell out of those barrels is fire and I mean burn the things.
I have washed them with stuff that would take the paint off a fucken car.


No, I can’t smell a thing.


Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Good One ©

“Everyone is mean to me”
Who’s everyone”?
Vickie and Karen
That’s only two people”.
“You’re the only one not mean to me”.
I would never be mean to you”.
“I know. I got to sleep now. See you tomorrow”.
Good night…………….

OK, she’s gone now.

Most of you heard what happened to Monica over the weekend.
The good one quickly became the sick one with a blink of an eye.
It only shows how fragile we can be even when we are strong.
A phone call from Vickie told me the news that froze me with a bewildered sense of shock.
I didn’t believe her.
Then an IM came in from Monica at that moment and now I was thinking this is a joke right?
I tell Vickie I’ll call you back in 30 and hang up.
I sit at the computer and look at it and it says

Monica: Hi
Monica: Are you there?

Walker: Hi, yes
Monica: I am in the hospital, I had a stroke but don’t worry

Don’t worry she says.
Tell her not to worry and see if she shuts up with the lecturing.

But this post isn’t about that.

Here is this woman
Downed by a sudden stroke
In the hospital
Can’t see
Can’t walk
Can’t talk
The GRIM REAPER has her by the left ankle, dragging her into the dark abyss.
What is she doing?
She is kicking him in the head with the right foot and IMing everybody with the one finger that still works.
There is no way to keep the phone away from her and she isn't going anywhere where there is no service.

A few hours later we talked on the phone as she lay in her hospital bed.
In a firm voice she told me how that she was feeling alot better now except for her leg that was a little weak.
Then as her voice started to go lower, she told me that she needed physiotherapy to build up its strength again and would have to go three days a week.
But, there was a possibility that the process can be sped up.
There seems to be a miracle drug that has been around for centuries and just recently it’s been found that it can help heal injuries much faster rather than waiting for it to get better on its own and she should have some for therapeutic reasons.
It’s made with all natural ingredients put together and combined it gets its unique properties.
It’s just a miracle how it works.
She has my attention now.
But you see she says in a low whisper, she only knows one person that could get it for her as he has done so before.
Now with my full attention I ask her what and who so we can get some.
Her voice now barely audible I hear her whisper something to me.
What did you say”?
Another whisper
There must be something wrong with the phone I can’t hear you now”?
I want some…………..she says a little louder
“I mean some baklava would be nice”.
With a soft voice she asks if I think it would be possible.
I told her that I had ordered some for my bbq but it was for the guests.
She said they wouldn’t miss one or two maybe three pounds of it, besides there will be other stuff and maybe the baklava wouldn’t even be eaten so why put any out at all.
I could almost feel her batting her eyes at me.
Now why do I have a feeling she will be getting some?

To show you how loyal and determined Monica is when it comes to her responsibilities at work and her family, the last time I spoke to her she was saying she had to go from the hospital to work just to make sure everything was ok and there would be no inconvenience to anyone.
While in her hospital bed she called the office of the hospital she was in to see if there were any Episcopalians that needed a priest or someone to talk to.

Can you imagine the conversation?
Monica picks up the phone and calls the office.

Hi, its Monica, yeah, I was calling to see if there is are any Episcopalians that may need to see someone from the church.
No, ok
If anyone does, just ring room 503.

Then she tells me she has to be healthy so she can play in the family Thanksgiving football game.
Are you nuts” I tell her?
“NOOOOOOO, it’s perfect, no one will want to touch me because of my condition and I will score all the time, except when the FON is playing, she’ll let me have it just the same”.
So you are using this to your advantage”.
And the Baklava”?
“Oh, that’s purely therapeutic”.
Yeah, I bet?

Get well soon Monica

I could say I was mugged and they got all the baklava?


Friday, August 11, 2006

Thinking Of A Friend ©

Last night a special person in my life was admitted to hospital.
She has been there for me many times in the past and as recently as yesterday.
I want you do go give her a hug and tell her she is in our thoughts.
I would also like to stress that her youngest daughter doesn’t know how bad that it was and to keep your comments to her getting better rather than towards the cause of what happened.
Last night while with her mother Monica suffered a stroke.
She has since recovered but is still in the hospital pending more tests but is out of immediate danger.
She has been there for so many people when they needed her and deserves the support she so generously gives to others.

Click anywhere on this post to do to Monica's site


Sex Talk: Muffins And Coffee ©

Here it is Fridays Sex Talk and I am putting a warning on it for its content rather than for explicit sex.

Looking across the coffee shop I could see her sitting in the corner reading her book in silence.
I sipped my coffee while looking at her over the rim of the cup, admiring her long flowing hair.
It fell over her shoulder as she bent over to read her book caressing her full breasts.I could feel myself starting to get aroused at the thought of my lips moving over her soft skin sucking on her nipples.
I was lost in a trance when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
Snapping out of my thoughts I looked up into her green eyes.
“Are you ok?” she asked
“Oh, yes I umm was just thinking, I’m… fine.”
“I was worried, you just looked like you might have been in trouble,” she said.
I asked her to join me and she went to get her coffee and a bag.
We sat there for an hour getting to know each other a little bit when she looked at her watch and said she had to go.
She got up and walked out but I couldn’t help staring at her tight butt as it swayed out the door.
Sitting back I finished my coffee and call the waiter for the bill.
As I was walking out he came to me and said I forgot my bag on the chair.
It was hers she must have forgotten it in her rush out the door.
Thanking him I took it and left.
As I walked to my car I recalled she said she was on her way to see a movie.
Looking at my watch I figured it would be another hour before it let out so I sat in my car listening to some music and waiting to give her, her bag back.
Sitting there, I recalled the scent of her perfume it was like she was in the car with me.
I smelled my jacket but it wasn’t there.
I remembered her smile was soft and beckoning with rich full lips.
I began to get aroused sitting there in the car.
Staring at the door of the theater looking for a distraction to get her off of my mind, I opened the window to get some fresh air when I saw people coming out of the theater.
It wasn’t long before I saw her walk out alone.
She walked towards me and I exited the car and she immediately recognized me and smiled.
Holding out the bag I told her she had left it at the café.
Thanking me with a word and a smile she took it from me.
I asked if she wanted to go for a coffee but she said she had to run for the bus.
Thanking me again she then turning and walked away down the street.
Staring at her silky legs as the faded into the darkness I called out to her and offered her a ride.
She gladly accepted but only if I would go in and have coffee with her.
That sounded good to me so I accepted.
Walking into her one bedroom apartment I saw that it was well kept and clean.
She had a large white couch in the center and was sparsely decorated with bright flowers.
I had a seat on the couch and she went into the kitchen to put on the coffee.
She came out and sat opposite me in a chair.
As we talked my eyes drifted up her skirt and at her long luscious legs, I could see her white panties glowing at me.
Maybe this was a bad idea I thought to myself.
She got up and went into the kitchen then came back with a tray.
Sitting next to me on the couch she put the tray down on the coffee table.
On the tray were two coffees and the bag I gave her.
Opening the bag she took out 2 large cranberry muffins, handing me one.
We sat there talking and eating when a large cranberry fell off of her muffin and down her top.
Using her free hand she tried to fish for it but couldn’t find it.
Looking at me with a look that said could you please, I put down my muffin and leaned forward.
Looking down into her full breasts I could see it at the bottom between big tits.
Sliding two fingers down I could feel her soft skin and the firmness of her tits.
I could feel her body tense up at first then relax as my hand went in deeper.
Grasping the berry with my fingers I looked into her eyes and she was staring back into mine.
I felt an urge, a sensation go through me.
With my hand now out and resting on her breast I leaned forward and kissed her softly.
She leaned into me wrapping her arms around my neck, her fingers in my hair, my tongue pushing in her mouth, my heart pounding in my chest.
I wanted her so bad right now.
I squeezed her breasts and I could feel her hard nipples beneath the material.
She was sucking my tongue deeper into her mouth as I rolled her nipples between my fingers.
Slowly I undid her blouse and exposed her large breasts.
They hung there like two big orbs.
Taking one on my hand I bent down and took her nipple in my mouth and started sucking on it.
I had maneuvered myself in front of her now and she wrapped her legs around me.
My face was buried into her tits, her arms wrapped around my head as I kissed and sucked her soft flesh.
My hands pushed up her thighs over her subtle curves and around her smooth butt
I was engrossed into her tits at the same time, taking big potions in my mouth and sucking, licking and biting her with a growing hunger.
I slid down to the floor and pushed her legs open, moving my hands between her legs gently massaging the inside of her thighs and pushing up her skirt past her hips.
Her now soaked white panties hide nothing from the imagination.
I could smell her as my tongue moved up her leg.
The smell of her lust only grew as I neared her pussy.
Pushing my face into her panties, I moved my face around absorbing her smell into my face and hair.
Her hands now holding my head she moving her hips up and down rubbing herself into my face.
Moving away the narrow strip concealing her treasure I started licking her clit with the point of my tongue, feeling the hardness of it in my mouth as I sucked on her clit.
I could hear her moaning as she slowly fucked my face.
I slipped in two fingers and started moving them in and out of her warmth.
Her juices were dripping out of her as my fingers entered and I lick as much as I could.
She pushed me away abruptly and told me that she wanted to taste me.
Laying back on the floor she pushed my shirt up and kissed my belly while her hands went up my chest.
She bit me in spots and started pinching my nipples sending a surge through my whole body.
Crawling up she stopped and bit me so hard I tensed up with pleasure.
I just lay back with my legs moving up and down her sides in ecstasy.
Reaching my lips we once again were lost in a deep embrace sucking on each other’s tongues.
My hands caressing her soft back, slowly running my fingers down her spine.
She was amazing.
Moving back down my body she opened my pants and gently pushed them down.
She started nibbling at me through my underwear.
Pulling them off she began nibbling on my pussy and running her tongue over my pussy lips.
She was getting into what she was doing and driving me insane at the same time.
I was pulling at my nipples, my body wanted to crumble in then explode out all over the place.
Her teeth sunk into me…I just wanted her to devour me at this point.
Taking a handful of her thick hair I pulled her up to my face so I could get a good taste of myself off of her lips.
With our limbs tangled together I could feel her pussy rubbing up to mine, grinding hard, with her nails digging into me back……our tongues dancing back and forth in our mouths.
I could feel the fires expanding within me…….bringing me to the point…….I can’t hold on no more.
With her nails anchored into me, I arched back………………
“Excuse me, would you like another coffee”.
I looked up at the waiter’s face and then looked at the empty table across from me.
I said I didn’t want any more coffee and he turned and walked away.
“Wait” I called to him, “Can I have two blueberry muffins to go please”?

Walker, AnnonymousFB1, AnnonymousFB2
“I was the waiter”.

Sometimes when I write posts I need some help in one way or another especially when it concerns what I don’t know, so I either look it up or ask somebody.
With some of my posts I have someone else read them before hand just to make sure I have not missed anything and I did the same with this one.
I sent the post to a friend who looked at it and came back with its all wrong.
So I told her if she thought it was wrong to fix it and send it back.
She must have thought I was stoned or drunk when I wrote it because it was obviously not Walkerish when I sent it to her.
So she fixed it like I should have from the beginning and sent it back.
As I was reading her revisions I started laughing uncontrollably.

Walker: Umm can I ask you something?
Editor: Yeah sure
Walker: You do know it’s about two women right?
Walker: Are you ok?
Editor: LMAO !!!!!!!

She didn’t realize it was about two women in the end and thought I screwed up so changed all the pussies into cocks and the woman into a man and made it different from what it was LOL.
Well Ms. Editor, all I have to say is congratulations, you are the only person I know to actually grow a cock on a woman.

Have a nice weekend.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Comment ©

I got a comment last week in one of my rants and in fact it was placed in two posts to get my attention and guess what.
It did.
Following is the comment and following is my response.
Feel free to voice your opinion.

This is a discussion and I mean DISCUSSION, I am a reasonably intelligent person (I hope), to have a discussion without coming to blows with somebody because I don’t agree with their opinion. For me to comment on everything you wrote would just take too much of my time but I will put this much of my two cents in. Perhaps the point of some of the people you encountered was to try to get you to look at a broader picture … if I may…You said, INCOMPETANT COUNTRY CANNOT GET RID OF THE MURDERING FUCKEN TERRORISTS THAT THEY ALLOW LIVING ON THEIR OWN FUCKEN SOIL Terrorism is “ the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion “ through violence and threats. I can think of many countries which have terrorist organizations in their midst. I won’t name the list but under that definition couldn’t the KKK be considered as such? Anyways, back to the point….Lebanon has a fragile democracy; is slowly trying to recuperate from years of upheaval…. I won’t go into all the details…but its government is walking a political minefield.It hardly has any military might; they don’t even have an air force. They are bordered by Israel, Jordan, Syria and standing behind them are Iran, Iraq… what a frightening precarious position to be in…don’t you think?I would probably be crying on TV too if I knew my country was being bombed, possibly invaded and entering a war which it didn’t ask for and couldn’t win.You said, they could ask for help from the UN. What exactly do you think the UN can or would do? Send in tanks, soldiers, and planes? And where would they send them? To Israel to help fight against the Hezbollah or to Lebanon to help protect it’s citizens from the crossfire of the Israelis and Hezbollah? I believe the UN is based on solving conflicts through peace, diplomacy, and sensiblethinking. I mean this is their mission isn’t it? These are intelligent people who look at every nook and cranny of a situation before they act.And how do you, anybody or I know what has been asked, pleaded, discussed behind closed doors. If the Lebanese government wants help, do you think they would broadcast it? With neighbors like that, and in such a perilous position, do you not think there wouldn’t be a backlash on one of the weakest democratic countries of the Middle East? So, what is the UN actually suppose to do for them? Who are they suppose to protect? Look what has recently happened. The UN is now pulling out its observers because the Israelis literally pulverized 4 of them. But I guess saying that makes me anti-Israel? If I criticize Canada for its handling of the mass exodus of Canadians from Lebanon would I be anti-Canadian?Don’t assume to know someone’s politics Walker. I went into attack mode quicker but what got me off here was that he tried to turn the subject to Iraq and to blame all of this on the Americans.for that matter, why did you mention Italy and the Red Brigade?I heard one of the discussions and I believe Iraq was mentioned because you were saying Israelis had a justified reaction to two of theirs being kidnapped. In Iraq many foreigners/ CIVILIANS have been kidnapped I didn’t see their governments running in. Not even when Americans were kidnapped and slaughtered in Saudi Arabia I don’t recall the Americans charging with guns blazing and blasting the Saudis because of terrorists.I believe two weeks ago an offer was given; release political prisoners and the two Israelis will be released, like back in the 80’s. But this isn’t the motive is it? The terrorist have won no matter what has or will happen…. TERROR REIGNS. People are fearful of their neighbours. Regular people fear taking planes, trains, buses. Hezbollah is back in the news. So far for the price of two military lives, hundreds of civilians have died (on both borders), hundreds of thousands have fled or are fleeing in terror, the middle-east has become more dangerous, more flammable, The people of Lebanon, Israel, and most of the world are terrorized and the terrorists have received attention, empathy and sympathy ergo recruits for their cause. You’re right, let’s nuke them. C’mon it’s been more than 50 years since we’ve really had a Great war!!


I won’t be questioning your intelligence because its obvious you are and your opinion is yours as ours is all of ours.

Yes the KKK are terrorists, murdering terrorists on top of that and in Canada, the FLQ were terrorists and murders as well.
So I know what terror is.
I walked amongst tanks as a kid in Ottawa and we were stripped of our rights when the War Measures Act was invoked until the FLQ were hunted down or the ones that got away ran to Algeria and stayed there for decades until they came back to face the murder of Pierre Laporte.
But terrorism is not a weapon but a cowardly act perpetrated by criminals to instill fear in a population to get their way.
Sounds more like extortion than war.

Many countries start off with a fragile government but it doesn’t mean they have to close their eyes to what is going on.
The idea of having a government is to govern and protect its citizens not hide from illegal aliens causing trouble because the government doesn’t think the can do it.
They are responsible for the keeping of their lands clear of criminals and other vermin that might cause trouble with their neighbors.
If they can’t, then they don’t deserve to have a country.
Israel had a fragile democracy once when they started and had to fight enemies from all sides to keep what little land they had.
And it is a little compared to what the other countries in the surrounding region have.
To hear a leader of a country go on national TV and call for the annihilation of Israel and the United States for that matter by any means is a direct threat where I come from a declaration of WAR.
They should be happy there aren’t planes bombing the shit out of them right at this moment.
As for innocent civilians being killed, that is the worst thing about all of this but then I have to ask, if the Hezbollah cared so much, then why are they storing their weapons in residential areas?
I’ll tell you why, because they are hoping for lots of civilian casualties to boost negative sentiment towards Israel which gets them more news coverage than any rockets would.

In that post you commented on I did blast Israel for their killing of civilians and the horrible MURDER of kids but lets face it, this never had to happen they could have just given their prisoners back and save all those lives.
Your views that Israel could have did a prisoner swap, would only encourage future incidents of this kind so why bother if they will be doing it again.
Instead of wanting to live in peace with their neighbors they would rather show their aggressive side and demonstrate their lack of compassion for their fellow man.

Imagine, they get their orders from God.
What kind of butcher is their god or is the one listening to god a fucken mental case that needs to see a shrink.
Maybe they have bad reception problems with their coverage and should move a bit.
Can you hear me now?
Mixing religion and politics is the worst kind of government, especially when the cleric is a maniac.

I noticed you gauge war by its size.
Cmon it’s been more than 50 years since we’ve really had a Great war!!”
There is nothing great about “War”, unless you’re a weapons dealer, or a sick individual.
The winners paraded down the streets after WWII in ticker tape parades with millions of people cheering, laughing and celebrating their victory.
What was missing was the parade of coffins after.
But lets take a look at the world right now and see what we find.

Current Conflicts
Algeria – Insurgency - 1992-->
Angola – Cabinda - 1975-->
Burma – Insurgency -1950-->
China – Senkaku Islands - 1968-->
China – Spratly Islands - 1988-->
Colombia – Insurgencies -1970s-->
Congo (Zaire) – Congo War -1998-->
Georgia – Civil War - 1991-->
India – Assam - 1985-->
India – Kashmir - 1970s-->
India – Naxalite – Uprising 1967-->
Indonesia – Aceh - 1986-->
Indonesia – Kalimantan - 1983-->
Indonesia – Maluku - 1999-->
Israel - Al-AqsaIntifada - 2000-->
Ivory Coast – Civil War - 2002-->
Korea – Korean War -1953-->
Laos – Hmong Insurgency - 2000-->
Moldova – Transdniester - 1991-->
Namibia – Caprivi Strip - 1966-->
Nepal – Maoists - 1996-->
Nigeria – Civil –Disturbances - 1997-->
Pakistan – Baluchistan - 2004-->
Peru – Shining Path - 1970s-->
Philippines – Moro Uprising - 1970s-->
Russia – Chechen Uprising -1992-->
Somalia – Civil War - 1991-->
Spain – Basque Uprising - 1970s-->
Sudan – Darfur - 1983-->
Thailand – Islamic Rebels - 2001-->
Turkey – Kurdistan - 1984-->
Uganda – Civil Conflict - 1980-->
United States – Afghanistan - 1980-->
United States – Djibouti - 2001-->
United States – Iraq - 1990-->
United States – Philippines - 1898-->
Uzbekistan – Civil Disturbances - 2005-->
Yemen - Sheikal-Houti - 2004 -->

All these little wars or conflicts going on in the world right at this moment, have taken more lives than the World Wars have.
Most were civilian casualties.
Ethnic cleansing has become a solution to many opposition leaders.
Look at Congo.
A million people died in that country’s civil war alone due to ethnic cleansing and it is still going on even though the war is over.
I saw a piece on CNN not to long ago showing what was happening there.
The winning side, supposedly the democratic elected president didn’t know his solders were raping and killing people still.
Yeah pfffffffft
Let’s not forget the cutting off of women’s breasts so that they couldn’t feed their kids so they would starve.
How fucken barbaric is that?
I am waiting for them to come ask for money now to see if they get it.
If all of these combined are not a great war then what is?
Do the mighty powers that be have to clash before we can call it a GREAT WAR?
That won’t be a great war, that will be Armageddon and the beginning of the end and don’t you think otherwise.
The UN, the world as a whole can do more if they were to target the right sources aggressively NOW like the people supplying the weapons to the terrorist.
Take the war to the suppliers so they understand what it’s like.
Throw countries out of the UN that support terrorism.
Cut off all money.
And if they take it out on another country and their people then go in and kick some butt.
Show them we ALL won’t take this shit no more as a world united.
That’s why they have a security force; to make sure the innocent people of the world are safe.
To protect the weak not slap the guilty in the hand and say don’t do that again.
Of course they say they won’t because they have probably killed everyone by now.
No mother should ever have to greave for a lost son on a foreign soil so far from home.
People in the Middle East don’t care if their sons die, if they did they would find a solution to all of this once and for all but you see it’s a fucken honor to a family to have a son die in battle against their mortal enemy and it doesn’t matter at the time of his death he had 10 pounds of C4 strapped to him and he took out a bus, subway, airplane, school full of people.

It must seem so distant and none of your business while sitting safe in your home in Canada but what would you say if a AK47 was pointed at you head.
How fast would you be running down the street begging for help?
But you don’t have to here… yet.

To listen to some people blame the Americans and the British for something that started 4000 years ago when they weren’t even around is stupid.
I have heard that American companies supply weapons to Israel, maybe.
The Syrians and Iraq’s supply the terrorists.
I see a balance being kept this way in the region.
The Moslem countries have gone to alert status.
Is it because they are threatened or are they trying to get into the picture so that they could be part of any peace settlement that might get them something without even going to war?
It’s all about what they can get for nothing.
The civilians dieing are just collateral damage and these people don’t care about them.
It seems only we do out here appalled by what we see.

The world as a whole has to get together and adopt a zero tolerance to terrorism.
Countries that don’t agree should be cut off of any aid they receive.
Countries receiving aid should only get what they need and not money to but weapons.
I don’t know if many of you realize this but when you go to those corner stores and put change in those boxes on the counter in some cases you are supporting terrorism.

As much as we as a whole abhor violence, we support it with our indifference to those we don’t understand.
It’s time we all opened our eyes and our thoughts.
This subject, politics for that matter drains me because it’s a subject drenched in lies and self-preservation with no sympathy for no one other than themselves.
Until the world begins to think of helping their neighbors rather than killing them for what they could get out of it we will be sentencing ourselves, future generations and humanity to an early grave.

Personally I want then to finish it right now.
No ceasefire, fight to the end and make sure there is no way that they can come back and start this all over again so that more innocent people can get killed.

Have you noticed that more soldiers from western countries like Canada, U.S., the UK have been killed defending others in other lands, rather than protecting their own families at home?
Food for thought


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Moron ©

Have you ever met the stupidest person in the world, a complete and utter moron?
Well stick around and I will introduce you to him.
Dumbest fuck ever.
This idiot never learns he walks into tiger traps the size of a football field with a lit sign flashing.
He keeps falling into the same trap, now that is even WORSE.

One time while working for this cleaning company his manager talked him into using a new cleanser to strip a terrazzo floor.
Terrazzo is stone and a bitch to clean and they had to do the courthouse on the weekend.
Now his manager had a problem, he had ideas.
This was a person who should never think of anything but breathing because that’s the only think he does right.
He went to this chemical company and ordered all this terrazzo solvent and mixed it with soap.
His idea was that the solvent would soften the terrazzo and the soap would clean it.
His ideas never PANNED out but you got to admit, it did sound good.
So our hero, the moron deduced that maybe his boss will finally break that streak and get it right for a changed and agreed.

Saturday came quick and the crew was ready.
There was a security guard at the front door making sure no one came in.
They filled buckets of the mixture and spread it all over the floors and I mean all over the place room after room and hallways.
The idea was to let it soak in.
He was the one on the machine that scrubbed the floor after and the rest behind me mopped in up.
With two guys wearing gloves scrubbing the baseboards.
After about 30 minutes of letting the floor soak he started the scrubber.
The stuff was really slippery and found myself using the machine for balance.
When he ran out of cord he turned to go unplug it and bring it forward he noticed these blue spots on the floor.
Just then one of the guys that were doing the baseboards by hand came over and showed him his rubber glove and the fingers fell off of it.
He walked back to where we had a five-gallon pail of the solvent and took a Styrofoam cup and put some on the floor because the stuff went right through the cup.
Taking the pail he started reading the side and instructions.
It was corrosive, toxic and extremely flammable.
He turned to go to the others and his shoes were sticking to the dry floor.
The blue spots, those were his running shoes dissolving.
Going to the hallway he call everyone one to the front.
One of the guys walking towards him put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.
Then as they all did he tossed the lit match in the water on the floor.
The flames rose from the ground like a furnace had been lit and not everywhere.
There were patches that were not on fire but it still raced up the hallway.
It was between 3 of them and the door and all the extinguishers were at he front desk so they wouldn’t be in the way.
They yelled at the guard to throw some down through the flames but the guy was freaking out with the flames screaming FIRE in French.
Someone else tossed them some extinguishers through the flames and they snuck through.
Has anyone seen how fast a very old building filled with paper and chemicals on the floor burns?
The fire department came fast but the place was lost.
The way I see it was the moron’s fault for not reading the label first and listening to his boss.
That was his crew and his responsibility.
The worse part was it delayed 236 couples from getting divorced.

Another time his brother and father talked him into helping renovate that back end of both houses and he agreed because they said they would help.
He ended up doing 70% of the work.
This wasn’t the first time.
Then he got sucked into building a shed outside only having to rebuild it after his father decided he wanted a bigger snow blower 3 years later.
He never, EVER learns.
Less that two weeks before my bbq and they talked me into building 12x12 deck that will attach to the existing deck but leaving enough room for the front end of the car to drive under.
HOLD ON, there is more.
This is my mother and my brother scheming, my father refuses to buckle on the idea and it’s a firm NO.
Why do I get the feeling that I am going to be in a lot of trouble?

Go ahead call me a moron
I’ll thank you.

You know, I always wondered if any of those couples ever changed their minds in the time they had to wait and if are they still together.
You never know what can happen.
It’s Fate Baby


Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy First Monday In August? ©

Monday. Monday I just love that day.
OK I only love this Monday because it’s a holiday here.
It’s the first Monday in August and we celebrate it so TGIM LOL.
Don’t ask.
I will make this a short post to make up for the whopper I posted on the weekend.
I would like to thank you for all your comments and emails many of them brightened my day.
I did answer them all.
Yeah yeah I still have the rest to do.
I have a rant coming this week and a discussion, oh and a post I promised MrH.
BUT for now I would like to direct you to this link HERE.
They are trying to get a million love messages.
I thought with all the hate and war in the world, what a great idea.
It doesn’t take much just go there and leavce them a Love Message.
I know you all love someone and I know there is someone out there that loves you.
I do and want you all to show the world that LOVE STILL LIVES in the world, even in the worst of times.

If you are so inclined spread the link through your blogs and lets see if we can help push this past the million if not more.

Have a nice day and spread a little love to the rest of the world.

Todays music is brought to you by Patti-Cake, The Beatles "All You Need Is Love"


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sex Talk: Infidelity ©

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