blue moon (2)

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sex Talk: With A Little Help From my Friends ©

Here it is Friday's Sex Talk with the sentences you were so kind to give me.
There is explicide sex so read it you wish.
Oh and I didn't link anyone due to the nature of this post just in case it would offend anyone but I want to thank you all again for you help.

Have a nice weekend

He stood there in the dark watching the trails on the glass while the wind was howling as the rain fiercely beat against the window.
The thunder streaked across the sky slicing the clouds open and revealing the stars in the night sky.
They were the same stars they had once stared at so long ago while laying in the meadow on that warm summer night five years earlier.
He had first seen her at the play ground behind the day care center.

She stood in the yard watching children playing... watching the squirrels run and the birds flit in and out of the trees, unaware that he was watching her…. full of seething, roiling emotions, for he was a man obsessed….. With her.
He stood there watching her, leaves blowing in the wind…fluttering in her eyes.
He saw her beauty as the wind swept the leaves from her face and releasing them to the wild swirls in the courtyard once more.

She turned slowly and made eye contact…
He just froze right there lost in her gaze.
It felt like time had stopped just for them and they were alone in the world.
He could almost feel her heartbeat from this distance and it was calling his name.
The warmth in her eyes weakened his knees.
Her beauty was so mesmerizing he didn’t notice a dog humping his leg.
She smiled at him and turned away.Or was she smiling at the dog?
When she had gone down the street he got a better view of her.
She was all he ever dreamed she would be.
He had always yearned to run his hands over her smooth curves.

Later that week he happened to be in a coffee shop when she walked in alone.
He looked away not wanting to be seen but yet wanting to look at her.
She had gone to the counter and then sat at the table next to him.
He felt awkward at first but then while sipping his coffee he took a chance and peeked to the table next him and towards her.
She was sitting there staring right at him.
Now he felt very awkward.
Gathering his strength he forced a smile out and said ”Hi”.
She looked at him smiling back then said “You’re that nice man that let’s Mrs Schwartz’s dog hump his leg” in a crisp and loud voice.
He knew everyone in the coffee shop was staring at him at that moment.
“Yes ummm, that was me but I don’t know Mrs Schwartz or her dog personally”

They sat there for awhile talking and getting to know each other a little better when he got up the courage to ask her out for dinner and she accepted.
They went out on a couple of dinner dates and once together to the movies when she one day invited him over to her place for dinner.

She has never, ever felt this way about someone before.
He was quiet, polite, funny, liked animals and they liked him.
He made her smile, laugh not to mention it had been years since she had a man in her bed.
Her ex boyfriend was always scaring possible boyfriends away so she would go back to him.
But this one seemed different he didn’t look like he would scare away so easily.
Sunday came and he found himself at the flower shop picking a bouquet of flowers to present with the bottle of wine he picked up earlier.
Parking across the street from the address she had given him he buzzed the door and she let him into the building
Walking off the elevator on the third floor he made his way down the hallway to her apartment and knocked on the door.
The door opened and she stood there looking beautiful in a red dress that was snug around her body.
He couldn’t miss her round, firm breasts that were crowding her cleavage trying to bust out..
She stepped aside and invited him in.

Walking into the living he noticed everything was in its place and the room was neat.
He offered her the wine and flowers to which she thanked him.
She told him she didn’t get many visitors and it had been a long time since she even cooked and was out of practice.
She told him she was usually watching football on Sundays particularly her SF49rs.
He was surprised she watched football and was flattered that she would go out of her way to cook for him but that was the farthest thing from him mind at the moment because as she walked away his eyes were glued to her ass.
Her hips had this subtle sway that excited him.
As she was in the kitchen he told her he loved football to but was a Broncos fan.
He thought he heard a laugh come from the kitchen.
She walked out of the kitchen and to the dinning area next to the living room and asked him if he would come and open a bottle of wine she had chilling before he had gotten there.
He walked over and using the cork screw he started opening the bottle.
As he was screwing in the cork screw he caught the scent of her perfume, it was sweet smelling and inviting, pleasant.
He passed her the bottle and she thanked him.
He walked back to his chair and she brought them each a glass of wine and she say next to him on the couch and they talked for a bit.
She told him that she is usually watching football on Sundays
It was beginning to get hot after a couple of sips of wine and her perfume was making him a little dizzy or was it her eyes.
He didn’t know what came over him but he leaned in and kissed her.
She didn’t pull away but kissed him back.
They both put their glasses down and started kissing more.
Their hands were travelling over their bodies trying to find a way under the fabric to feel the hot burning flesh within.

She pushed him back on the couch and bit his chest through his shirt.
Her hand rubbed the outside of his pants and could feel his cock getting harder as she grasped it through the material.
She bit his lip and softly told him that if he said the 49ers were better than the Broncos that she would make sure he would never forget that night.
Dizzy with lust, He conceded the fact that the 49ers were indeed, a better team than his Denver Broncos (at golfing because they get more practice by missing the playoffs).

She was smiling at him as she reached down to help him undress, her heart raced with anticipation as she opened his belt buckle and then pulled down his zipper.

She pulled out his now hard cock and started licking the end of it.
Then she engulfed the head and slowly by working her head up and down had the whole thing going in and out of her mouth.
At the same time she was rubbing his balls.
Her lips were like a vice as inch by inch of his cock went past them.
This was the best blow job that he had ever had in his whole life.
She was devouring him and there was nothing he could go.
He felt paralysed.
All of a sudden a loud shattering noised echoed outside in the street only to be followed by another one.
She started sucking harder on him with every blow.
He was grasping at the sides of the couch trying to get out but locked in an ecstasy filled dream paralyzing him.
He asked her what the noise was,
She was pulling on his cock with her lips when she stopped for a split second, she look in his eyes and told him it was her ex boyfriend probably smashing his car and took his cock in her mouth again before he could jump off the couch.
But why he asked?
Releasing him once more she told him “OH, HE'S JUST JEALOUS you have me and he doesn’t”.
She started draining the energy out of him once more with her tongue cutting circles around his head in her mouth.
He lay there listening to the smashing sounds hammering in the night like as if he was in a dream.

She stood up and raised her dress her naked pussy then lowering herself on top of him..
His cocked throbbed inside her as his ears did with the sound of his car being destroyed.
His hands traveled up her legs to her hips and pulled her to him hard and deep.
Her ass was grounding and writhing on top of his hard fat cock.
His hands went up ripping her dress open and taking her tits in his hands and pinching her nipples so hard he could feel her grasp on his cock tighten.
She rode him hard, crushing him into the couch, unlike the crushing his car was getting.
She rode him faster and faster now and he could feel himself getting ready to fill her pussy and them her let go but she kept riding him harder and faster until she came right there on him.

She reached down and rubbed her clit sending shockwaves through her whole body making her shudder but still grasping his still hard cock in her.
Just the she sat still and then she ran up and away to the kitchen.
Right then a cloud of smoke rolled out from there and a reeking smell.
It smelled like a monkey's ass, what ever that smells like.
She walked out and informed me that her dinner was ruined.
Those were my exact thoughts as I stood at the window looking past the rain to my totalled car.

I just bought it the day I saw her at the play ground with the sign in the window.
I noticed it when she turned and walked away.
Our first drive was to the country and a small meadow where I sat there looking at the stars.
It was a dream he used to have about owning a 67 candy apple blue Mustang convertible.
He'd long ago stopped dreaming of her, she was only a car after all.
He was now living a different dream.
He he turned and was walking to the bedroom when a loud shattering noise was heard outside.
Fuck, you would think after five years he would give up.


Thursday, September 28, 2006

Holy Golden Calf ©

I have a post.
Really I do.
I’m just trying to find a way to write it.
I have explored many ways to begin and alleys to run down and I could make it any…way…I….fucken….WANT.
How cool is that?
It’s my blog and I’ll do what I want too….

Today’s topic it, religion, but I am not going to pick on religion per say.
I just may fuck with it a little.

How do I cum to this topic do you ask?
Well that’s simple you see I just found out that our priest just got a raise.
He actually asked for it indirectly.
It was something like this.
If you don’t give me more money I am leaving.
Subtle eh?
What happened to negotiation?
Well um let’s see ……. How about we throw in a couple of bottles of wine and another dozen loafs of bread you can feed the poor with?
Naw, he wanted money so they said yes.
So what, who gives a shit, how much can a priest make anyhow?

$200,000 a year




Our priest?



Fuck the mafia, these guys got them beat.
If fact they have the Mafia sucked in to.
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Last week I shoot Salvador “Three Fingers” Ciccio for sitting in my favourite chair.
We now call him “One Ball Ciccio”.
I know father is was wrong but he has bad gas.

I have also been fucking the waitress at Luigi’s restaurant but only because Maria, my wife is to busy with the 5 kids and I don’t want to burden her with having sex with me with all the work she has now.

I understand my son.
Say 10 hail Marie’s and leave me a check in the box and you’ll be forgiven.

What the hell does he do for 200 grand?
I wanted to be an astronaut and with the help of some great pot I made it into space but if I knew about the $200,000 a year thing, I would have stopped at the stratosphere and praised heaven then become a priest.

What does he do, he wakes up in the morning says a one hour sermon to an empty house sometimes because who’s going to church at 7 am on a Tuesday except the drunk who finally woke up from the weekend and he is only there to use the washroom.

Now Sunday, he has a packed house of people there to get forgiven for their sins and to be blessed by god through the priest.
They pass trays around three times to make sure they get the money you held back the first times they came around.
Then they sell you a bottle of holy water for 5 bucks.
Next time I got to church I am putting a Mickey of vodka in my pocket so when he blesses the congregation I’ll walk out with some real Holy Water.

For $200,000 I can console you and more in fact a couple of priests ago, one was consoling the wives when the husband was at work.
Now where can you get door to bed door service but is that a fringe benefit or just a different type of blessing?
I would even wear the long black dress robe they wear for that kind of money, mind you it looks better on a nun, like the nun walking up and down my street.
She looks pretty good in that mini skirt habit with the fishnet stockings and she is a hard worker, she is always out there walking up and down the street asking for money for a good cause and men are always stopping and giving her rides to where she is going and bring her back, now how nice is that?
Another thing, do you think all nuns are virgins?
How do they know if they are or not just lying?
I can see the interview now?

Are you a virgin because we only want virgins here you know?
You know I am going to have to check so could you step behind that blind over there, pull up the skirt and lay on the couch.
No no, don’t worry I will forgive you later and you will be a virgin still.
Many are not I bet.
Somewhere in some convent resort there is an eighty year old nun watching porn on late night TV thinking, “I gave up sex for this”.

And fucking a virgin isn’t all it’s cut up to be either.
You’re on top looking down on a sobbing woman in obvious pain wishing you would hurry up and finish so the pain would stop and why the FUCK did she agree to this in the first place, she wouldn’t have if she knew it was going to fucken hurt.

But when it’s over she gets to take a shower and leave but the guy…….
Well he is stuck at home in a lot of trouble because NOW, there is this big red stain in the center of his parent’s bed and when he takes the sheet off the mattress it’s stained too so he flips it over only to find it’s soaked all the way through and they haven’t invented “SHOUT” yet.
The shouting comes later when you use the one and only excuse you have left under the circumstances.
“Well at least now you know I am not gay”.

I would rather be the guy after the guy the popped her cherry because that was the guy that hurt her I was the gentle one, the one that made it feel good and didn’t cause the mess the other guy did.
He must have done it wrong or something because it didn’t feel this good…..
But I must admit I have seen some hot nuns especially around Halloween.

$200,000 a year for a priest, tax free and then they went and hired another one to help him so he will have time to go out and spend his loot.
I guess we will be paying the backup priest some ridiculous amount as well.
If anything this tells us that priests are just people to, who want and need what we do as well.

Have a nice day.

Why can Greek Orthodox priests get married but Nuns can’t, food for thought.



Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Lady Of The Woods ©

It’s been one of those days.
Fuck, it’s been one of those years and there is still 3 months left.
Now if there was a bomb that you can throw back in time and destroy parts of it I would be right there lighting the fuse.

My desktop is down again, as I expected it would be.
I was just hoping it would hold on for two more months but… oh well
That’s why I haven’t been posting as much but I have been trying to go my regulars and the rest of my blog roll.
The laptop isn’t cooperating most of the time so I find myself shutting down programs to free up ram so that I could open some blogs and some I have to strip down to lessen the load even more.
So bare with me (send pictures) and I will be back like before soon.

Today was wing night at our NEW wing joint.
St. Louis Wings and Ribs
They got a sauce there that makes you ass tingle just thinking about it.
We went there last week for the first time because we heard of their:
We’ve heard that before so we brought the devil with us to test it out, Archie.
What can I say he was reduced to tears on the second wing?
With tears streaming down his face he gave us the thumbs up as he went for more napkins.
The three of us sat there after our meal outside on the deck having a drink and watching the girls go by when one went by with dark hair and with a stunning beauty that made people stop and look.
Archie then tells us about a story passed down over the ages about the time when the Turks ruled over Greece.
It was said that when a beautiful women was found she was brought to the Pasha to be one of his concubines whether she liked it or not.
One day the soldiers came to this village looking for this young girl who had been reported to being extremely beautiful.
The girl heard that they were looking for her and not wanting to be the old Pasha’s sex slave ran off into the dark woods.
No one used to go there because it was inhabited by wolves, wild bores and snakes but yet she preferred to take her chances and be killed by wild animals than go with the soldiers.
They looked for her but never found the girl and eventually left but she never came back to the village either.
It was believed she perished in the dark woods to the beasts that lived there.
There were stories from travellers who reported seeing a girl running through the trees but no one ever took it seriously.
Decades later while on a hunting trip some men came across a cave where it was evident someone had lived there for some period of time and was now gone.
While looking through the cave, a diary was discovered.
It seems it was the girl's and she had lived out in the woods her whole life.
No remains were ever found so it was assumed the wild beasts took care of that.
Today there is a small church there where the cave once was.
Is this a true story?
I don’t know, but after a good meal, it was the perfect ending.

Have a nice day


Monday, September 25, 2006

Postcard In Time ©

The rain was knocking at the window as I was packing the last of my things in the attic getting ready to move into my new house.
I was leaving old memories to make new memories isn’t that what we do?
Move through time collecting thoughts and feelings.
The kids are grown up and gone now.
They have started new lives and families, so this house is too big for the two of us.
Going through some boxes I came across some old letters from when I was in college.
I sat there reading through them and remembering my youth.
A time before the kids were born, before I was even married.
Most were from my mother, some from friends back home keeping me up with the news and gossip I was missing while I was in school.
Then I found it.
It had been years, decades since I last saw it.
I thought it was lost, gone……

One summer during summer break a group of us decided to go to Mexico for a couple of weeks to see something new and to feel the sun’s rays warm our skin and swim in blue water.
We were all 18 and had never before left the country, so this was an adventure and we were excited to begin our journey.

Our second day there I met this young man at the hotel we were staying at.
He was extremely handsome with brown skin and dark eyes.
When he smiled at me, my heart stopped as did the world around me.
Within the week I was in love and couldn’t see the day to leave in site.
He took me to his little village.
It was filled with adobe houses like they had been for hundreds of years before.
A quiet place, the people, kind and happy all the time.
I was welcomed and brought into his family’s house like a long lost daughter.

I remember that cool night out in the desert when he first took me into his arms and kissed me under a full moon.
The sky was clear and the stars hung over us like a halo sparkling like diamonds in the sky.

That last day it was raining before I got onto the plane.
His lips held me at the gate.
Mine refused to let go but go I had to.
We parted and swore we would keep in touch until school was out when I could return to be in his arms once more.
Weeks passed and summer became fall with the changing of the leaves.
We kept sending letters back and forth weekly, telling each other what was happening and professing the love we had for each other.
We planned what we would do as soon as spring break came and I went to meet him once more.

The leaves fell off the tree and were replaced by the snow on the boughs.
It was a hectic time with exams and I didn’t have much time to write to him but I got the occasional letter written and sent to him.
His letters started slowing down by Christmas time.
In the New Year I got a letter from his sister that he wasn’t well.
I frantically sent him a letter almost everyday trying to find out how he was doing and to tell him I would be with him soon.
Then on Valentines Day I got this card in the mail of the court yard of the hotel I stayed in when I met him, it was the last thing I got from him……….

"What are you doing honey"?

“I was going through my mother’s things to see what we can throw out and what we can donate to the church rummage sale and I found this post card in my mother’s diary that she got sixty five years ago”.


Friday, September 22, 2006

Sex Talk: Unbound ©

It’s Friday and I do have a Sex Talk for today that I did with the help of two lovely ladies.
I would like to thank them for their input or is that output also I would also like to thank you for submitting the sentences for the next Sex Talk and the homework.
It’s been a busy day today but I will tell you all about it on Monday, the weekend is my blog reading time.
I wish you all a nice weekend.
There is explicit sex in this post so those who may be offended you can check out someone on my sidebar.


I sat at the bar slowly drinking a beer watching the game on the television in the wall, when I turned at the sound of the door and saw her walk in then look around the joint.
She was wearing a long black dress that went almost all the way to the floor.
It hung on her loosely accenting the curves of her body.
She had slim waist with a nice round ass that I wouldn’t mind sinking my teeth into.

I walked into the bar looking for a man.
Not just any man, he had to be rugged.
I didn’t want to be here, I was looking for a man for someone else not me.
This felt stupid I don’t know how she talked me into this.
At the bar there was a guy that could fit the description of what she wanted.
He was rough looking and needing a shave.
I walked over and sat at the bar a few of stools away.

She walked up to the bar and slipped onto a stool two seats down from me.
Taking back the beer I could see her reflection in the mirror behind the bar.
I was certain she was braless and she had nice big tits judging from her reflection in the mirror.
The last of the beer ran down my throat and I put the bottle on the bar then asked
the bartender for another

The man was a pig.
He just swallowed that whole beer and didn’t care that it ran from his mouth and down his neck.
I could see his hairy chest as I followed the beer down his neck then disappearing into his shirt.

At that moment she looked at me and smiled.
She had a beautiful smile and eyes like sapphires.
Hishe curtly offered.
“Hi” I returned, “beautiful day today isn’t it”?
Yes it is, do you mind if I join you, I don’t know anyone here,” she asked.
Now my mother never raised me to be a rude man that was my father doing.
I told her it would be a pleasure having her company but I was thinking way passed that point now and thinking of getting laid.

He had green eyes and knew how to talk.
I have to admit it was getting a little hot.
He had this way with words and he was also funny.
We talked for an hour when I got a call on my cell phone.
Excusing myself I took the call.

It looked like it was going good until she got a call on her cell phone
Yes I think I did.
She smiled at me, I think you will. I’ll see you soon, bye”.
She hung up the phone and moved in closer to me.
I’m sorry but I have to goshe said but how would you like to go someplace and …… have some funshe offered?
Her hand was moving over mine, I could feel her fingers advancing up my arm.
“Sure, your place or mine” I asked?
Mine, it’s already set up for you”, she said.
Now I wonder what she meant by that?

I went outside with her and got into her car then drove off.
We went into the Ritzy part of town and pulled into the laneway of a very nice bungalow.
She took me through the side and into the garden area that had a swimming pool in the center and off to the back left corner was a large water fountain, surrounded by a flowerbed.
She asked me to have a seat in one of the lone chairs and she would get me a drink.
Coming back with my scotch on the rocks she informed me that she was going to go inside to get ready everything ready for me.

I got him a drink and went inside to meet her.
She was waiting for me in the bedroom all dressed up in leather.
I told her he was what she wanted which made her happy and them she lay down on the bed and I tied her to the bedposts then went out to get him.

I sat outside in the yard wondering what she was up to.
What is there to get ready for?
Just show me the fucken bed; I don’t even need a bed.
I could take her in that pool and make waves all afternoon and night.
Then in the morning show her what I can really do.
Just before I finished my scotch she came outside.
Taking me by the hand, she led me into the house.

There he was, sitting out there waiting, a stranger, how insane is this but why was I getting wet at the thought of what was about to happen?
I wasn’t even staying; this was crazy, but exciting at the same time.

We stepped in from outside into the living room.
It was sparsely furnished, with a large white couch sitting in front of the fireplace.
Walking through and into the hallway, we came to a closed door.
She looked at me and said she had a surprise for me on the other side of the door.
Opening the door we walked in.
There was a bed in the center of the room with a woman dressed in a black leather baby doll, black stockings, tied to the bed posts and was blindfolded.
I was immediately suspicious and intrigued at the same time.

This is a surreal moment, one I have waited for and dreamed of now that it is here
I wonder is it or just may I be hallucinating?

My friend wants to be fucked by someone she never met, seen before or will ever see againshe said.

You see for some reason or another one of my fantasies has been this.
It is about to happen.
My heart is beating rapidly and I am taking deep shallow breaths in an attempt to maintain control, this will be my only chance so it must work.

I smell him yes that deep musky manly smell not hidden by cologne his own smell at the same time I hear him……. immediately I tense slightly and become alert knowing it’s time for what I have always waited for.
My breathing is becoming noticeably heavier as my nipples begin to strain against the bra wanting to break out needing ----attention I begin to feel myself start to get damp-----damn I’m not ready to let him know just how much I want this.

All my senses are so much more acute ------oh gosh -----

From the time she walked into the bar this afternoon I had plenty of time to think about getting fucked but nothing like this.
As I begin to think I noticed an increase in my heart rate.
I walked up to the side of the bed and look down at this woman I was being offered.
I came to fuck one and now this…

Walking slowly around the bed and looked at her, her tits were barely being contained by the leather bra she was wearing.
I walked around the front of the bed and looked up her long legs to the crotchless panties she was wearing, displaying her well-trimmed bush.
I could see her straining to hear for a sound that might tell her what was happening outside of her blindfold.
Coming up the other side of the bed I reached out my hand and touch her toe with my finger.
She flinched at my touch and her head turned to face me as if she could see through the blindfold
As I walked up the side I ran my fingers up the inside of her leg.
She was responding to my touch by arching herself a bit and trying to open her legs more for me to delve deeper into her desire.

I begin to quiver, whimper as you touch me it electrifies my senses. I secretly wanted him to move his hand up to my pussy as it was already wet, yes so drenched with thoughts I’ve been having all so ready to fuck---him----hard----never seeing him.
So exciting…..
It is all I have been thinking of and now he is just teasing me with few little touches here and there….
I need it.
NOW, Yes I want him to fuck me hard, fast and deep

My hand gently went over her moist pussy over her clit; to her flat stomach making its way higher as I spread my hand open and letting my fingertips slowly caress their way up her body.
I paused for a second to pinch her nipple causing her let a gasp slip past her lips as I rolled it between my fingers.
Feeling her soft cheek with the back of my hand it moved over and I touched her lips with my fingers
Her tongue came out to lick them.
Standing there while she licked and sucked my fingers the other one started walking towards the door to leave the room.
I slipped my thumb in the woman’s mouth and she greedily sucked on it.

He walked up to her and started touching her softly.
I was getting more and more excited looking at him and her...
I couldn’t believe how turned on I was getting by just watching what he was doing to her.
I wanted him to touch me like that too but I had to go… he wasn’t for me.

I grabbed those fingers with my lips and begin to suck them with a hunger as if I would never turn them lose, I was actually mouth fucking his fingers-----yes I wanting him to feel my passion ---
The heat I had and was ready to release all for him---the one I would never see.

“Where are you going”, I asked her.
I was just to bring someone here and leave”, she said.
My hand now free of the other’s mouth I continued my walk up the side of the bed with my fingers softly sliding up her arm.
“You brought me here, you’re not leaving”, I said.
You see you don’t understand I brought you here for her” she begged.
I could see the woman on the bed, her chest heaving up and down with excitement, anticipation of what might be next and my hand started going down the other side of her.
I let my hand slip under her bra and my fingers slid over her hard nipple one at a time.

“Come over here”, I ordered the other one as she stood by the door looking at us.
I could see the excitement in her eyes.
No it’s not about me it about her
“Come here”
I sat at the foot of the bed and started rubbing the inside of her leg all the way up to her pussy where I grabbed a handful of her inner thigh rubbed hard all the way to the bone.
She pulled at the restraints trying to get free to wrap her legs around my arm but couldn’t.

I begin to try and work the restraints free until sweat broke out and ran down my back, my stomach and buttocks tightened with excitement.

At last he begins to spread my lips and allow my clit to stand erect and glisten with its juice. He swirled some juice over my clit. On my I begin to moan quietly as I bite my lip trying so hard not to make a sound.

He takes my clit and begins his thumb and forefinger and strokes, I can feel my pulse beating between his fingers oh damn he is too fucking talented for me. He is going to make me come and I can not this soon. About that time he stops……

Oh I arch my back and display my throat, I try so hard to force myself against his hand----so close I was-----so cruel he was...I nearly came….I burn with desire for more I need that release. Will I get it? I need to be fucked .

The other one was now in front of me watching my hand rub her friend’s pussy.
I noticed her hands rubbing the sides of her hips and her hard nipples were trying to break through the material of her dress.
“Are you getting excited”, I asked her?
A little”, she said
“Kneel down right in front of me,” I told her and she obeyed.

He stopped me from leaving… his words just froze my feet in place and the authority of his voice possessed brought me to him.
I couldn’t say no…why?

Putting my hand behind her head I pulled her close and kissed her lips.
My tongue pushed it’s way into her mouth and she hungrily sucked on it,
In the meantime using my thumb I was playing with her friend’s clit.
She was positioning herself to get me to slide it into her but I made sure I didn’t.

Having my fill of her lips and tongue I kissed her neck making my way to her ear then I whispered to her that I wanted to suck on her nipples then took her earlobe with my lips and sucked on it.
I could feel her nails dig into the back of my head.
Moving back from me she opened the front of her dress and exposed her firm tits to me.
She had long brown nipples that beckoned my mouth to come and taste.
Getting off her knees she straddled my lap and fed me a big tits.
My mouth now pulling on her nipple I sucked hard and let my tongue circle around it driving her nuts.
Her ass was pushing down on my now hard cock.
Her nails digging unto my scalp as she mashed my face into her tit.
My head was spinning with lust as I mauled her tits.
I was now going from one to the other and they were wet and hard from the sucking they were getting.
This went on for about ten minutes as her friend lay there listening to her partner’s moans from the tit licking she was getting.

He mauled me like a beast.
I have never been so submissive to someone’s touch before.
He sucked on my nipples so hard that the pain wasn’t pain but pleasure.
While I sat on his lap I could feel his cock getting harder and I rubbed my aching pussy against him.

I hear the moaning and groaning going on around me and I am getting wetter and I still have had no release I try once again to break lose.

Fuck Me !!!!


I am so wet one thinks I have already cum but it is just the excitement imagine what it will be like .

I know the moans from her friend was making her hornier and causing her to grind her pussy into my, hand pushing her ecstasy up one more notch.

I couldn’t take this any more I wanted him inside me and wanted him now.
I wanted his hard cock inside me.

She got off of my lap and knelt down in front of me.
Opening my buckle then my belt she unbuttoned my pants.
She was looking into my eyes and reading my thoughts as she pulled down my zipper.
Grabbing my pants she started pulling then down until they were around my ankles, then she released my cock from it feeble restraint.
Taking my cock in her hand she started stroking in up and down slowly.
I lay back a little taking the new sensation in.
I look next to me to the on one the bed and parted the lips of her friend’s pussy with my thumb and pushing it all the way in until I could push no deeper.
She began writhing with pleasure, raising her hips off of the bed and pushing against my hand.

I tried to push him further into my pussy

As she rubbed against my hand we could hear her moans coming more frequently from her lips.

I begin to push against his finger and beg for more please I need more please damn him I need more, Fuck I have to have more!!!!!!!
Please OH Please

The other one had my cock in her mouth now.
Her tongue was curling around the head and I could feel the pressure of her lips along the sides of my shaft as her head bobbed up and down on my cock.
I was finger fucking one and getting the best blowjob of my life from the other.
I held her by the hair fucking her mouth as she sucked on me.
I could feel myself swelling in her mouth now and she must have noticed it to because she stopped and stood up.

With his pant off, I now had what I desired in my hand.
He was thick as I grasped his hard cock with my hand.
I never like sucking but I know I wanted his in my mouth and it felt good sucking on it.
His thick cock was sliding between my lips alike a butter cob of corn.
He had me by the hair now and his hips were moving back and forth to meet my mouth.
I could feel his excitement building up in his cock and I had to have him in me now.

Standing in front of me she started slowly pushing down her dress past her hips and letting it fall to the floor.
Then she slipped the black panties off revealing her blonde pussy.
Stepping over the small pile of clothes she turned her back to me and lowered herself onto my cock.
I could feel her warmth as the head of my cock entered her wet pussy.
Up and down she went taking a little more with every time she came down until it was all in her now.
She started riding me now with a steady rhythm and I could hear her moans getting louder as she fucked me.

I started riding his cock slowly at first until he was well lubricated then I just fucked him hard.
I sat on him until I couldn’t push down any further,
I was grinding into him; it was driving me crazy.
I thought my heart was going to explode through my chest.

Her friend now was in frenzy herself as I had slipped two fingers in and was meeting her thrusting hips with my hand.
She was begging me to fuck her harder but with the riding I was getting I was doing the best I could do.

I needed and wanted so much more but I begin to ride his fingers as if they were a cock I was fucking those fingers------
He was finger fucking me harder and faster, they went, deeper, quicker, faster, deeper,
Fuck Me I yelled over and over-----I knew I was about to cum but I really did not want to be the first but I was beyond control I had bitten my lip trying so hard to control myself only to explode with a high cry as I went rigid with my orgasm.
Followed by seconds of pleasure where I clamped down every so tight with spasms
on his fingers reminding you that I had been satisfied.

It must have been enough because the one on the bed started yelling out that she was coming and then she went limp with a shudder.
Taking my now free hand I took the other one by the hips and started meeting her with my thrusts.

He now hadme by the hips and is driving up into me.
My whole body is beginning to shudder; I don’t think I could hold any more I want him deep in me…

It wasn’t long before she stopped abruptly and ground her pussy into my cock holding it there, shaking…. holding her breath with her head thrown back she let out a loud groan as she came.I told her I was almost there and she got off of me and started jerking me off until a fountain of cum emerges covering her hand.
I lay back on the bed across her friend’s legs and she slumped to the floor at my feet, arms and legs limp.

I could use a beer.


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Are You Ready For Some Football? ©

The football season is off and running and the fever has hit the blogsphere.
It’s still early in the season, but not too early to start up some friendly wagering and badgering all in the name of fun and friendship.

My Broncos have started the season with a 1-1 record, shocking to be honest with you.
They lost to the St. Louis Rams, hmmmm it’s obvious it wasn’t for the Super Bowl because it would have been the other way around but HEY, they can’t win them all right.

Now to make the season more interesting Monica aka The Good One and I have started a weekly wager pitting her SF 49rs up against my Denver Broncos.
Now correct me if I am wrong because I don’t watch too much TV other than football but didn’t the 49rs move to the Football Hall of Fame because they were to old to play?
I got to stay better informed.

Now for the rules as they were interpreted to me after I had to scrap the first set of rules she sent me because they were kinda weird.
They said something like if the Broncos loose then she wins the bet or if the 49rs win it didn’t matter what the Broncos did she wins and if the Broncos win but the sun comes up in the east she wins.
Now come on how stupid does she think I am?
The Broncos loose again pfffffffft.

So the NEW rules are that one team has to outright beat their opponent and the other’s has to loose, otherwise it’s a tie.
For example when the 49rs loose on Sunday and the Broncos win she looses.
And the looser has to show the other colors for the week on their blog.
Now the bet will change week to week just to make it interesting.
But to cap off the season they meet for the last game of the year in Denver now how sweet is that and the Denver Broncos will be providing them with transportation after the game.
I did suggest that the looser of that game would have to dance the dance of the seven veils but was informed that Americans don’t do the veil thing but might be game for the dance of the 150 sweaters but I don’t do sweaters so we had to scrap that idea.

This week my Broncos are matched up against the New England Patriots.
Am I worried, a little bit because we are playing the Pats and I hear Brady isn’t getting any lately so his knees aren’t as wobbly as they were last year.
Come on there must be someone out there willing to give Brady some mercy and give him some before game day. “wink”.

Now the 49rs are playing the Eagles.
The American national symbol of freedom and Liberty.
They will RISE to the occasion and come down like a swarming hoard and CRUSH!!!!!!!!!! the aged and decapitated relics of time.
The screams of agony and pain of crushed bones and shattered dreams will ripple across the bay like a dieing wave and that’s just from the cheerleaders watching the game.

At any rate it’s all about having fun and making the game a little more interesting to watch.
I wish Monica and her 49rs the best of luck for the season and the same to the rest of you and your teams.
Let’s hope for a great football season with little or no injuries.

Tomorrow morning I'm getting up early to go out to Parlament Hill where they will be taking a picture up from the air.
We are all to dress in red in support of our troops in Afganastan and the pictures will be sent to them

On another note I will be taking sentences until I post tomorrows Sex Talk post for next weeks post.
If you don't hear from me again it's because I am hiding in the Football Protection program.

Have a nice day.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Where Is The Respect? ©

What is the United Nations?
What is its purpose?

Here is the first part of the UN Charter:

to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and

to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and

to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and

to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,


to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, and

to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and

to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and

to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,


Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations.

Read that again if you have too.
Sit there and ponder what it has to offer.

Looks good doesn’t it?
Then why is it failing?

I’ll tell you why.
It’s because most of the people signed it because of their own interests and not for the whole.

Yesterday I watched the UN session.
Bush spoke to a packed house.
Even the cleaner was there.

Then later I saw Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speak to a practically empty room.
The cleaner was still there, overtime.

In their speeches they took shots at each other about their differences.
What I didn’t see was them talking to each other.
Instead they refused to be present for the others speech.

I want to know how the fuck you expect to get respect if you don’t give it.
I don’t give a shit who you are, but if you want to be heard well sit down and listen to because you may think you are big dog but a whole bunch of medium dogs can bite more.
When someone who represents hundreds of millions of people speaks you better move your butt to a chair and listen to what he says because he is saying it to you to understand not for you to be in some hotel room jerking off to the ceiling so you could make your assumptions to what a fucken AID told you.

All I know is if you are part of an organization, then you should be there or represented all the time to hear and understand what is happening in the world and if it’s a world leader speaking you should be showing the respect of being there.
Maybe that’s why the whole fucken world is in the shit pile because we forgot why we signed this treaty to begin with or did they sign for the wrong reasons?
Maybe they should be made to read it before every session.

As the world population grows and we are all forced to live in closer quarters we better learn how to live together and respect how the other lives because one day the borders will fall and what then, when you have to be brothers and sisters for a common cause, survival.

We as a whole we have to look at the needs of others and not the differences.
Get answers to the WHYS and not speculate on them.
Look at what we can do to help, not what we can gain.
Equality takes away envy, want and ultimately indifference.
Most of us help family.
Now if we were to look at the human race as a family, which it is, then you are only helping family and it’s the same when you hurt family.
Would you not sit with a family member and find out what’s wrong so you could try and help?
As I look at the situation around the world and at home I see how it all cascades into each other.
It’s time we all took a leap back and look at our ass end and whip the shit away then reconstruct a decent world were all kids could live in peace and rewrite history like its never been done before in the annals of time.
The UN is a good idea.
Maybe someday it will be the UHR (United Human Race)

Food for thought;
Your leader is an extension of you.
What they say and do they say and do as you, not for you.

On a closing note hurling insults is not becoming of a leader but as a Jackass, well that’s fine Senior Chavez


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Surprise.....On You Not Me ©

Welcome to the witching hour.
My time,
I live in the night with the bats and the other creatures that you never see in the daylight.
1:47am sitting here listening to Baby Blue playing Neil Young strumming out My My Hey Hey
It’s was a hectic week and the weekend capped it off.
It had drama action and cops and yours truly right in the middle of it.
It got a bit touchy when some young cop, probably a rookie got in my face and we had to be separated because I wasn’t backing down from him especially when he is standing uninvited on my property and telling me what to do.
Let’s see how far I get into this post before I call it quits.

But this post isn’t about that…..
OH for those that asked Emme is doing fine but lets face it she is old and isn’t what she used to be but she has me pussy whipped and gets carried a lot on command.

She finished work at the hospital and headed off home to shower and rest for the day.
As she walked into her home she had this strange feeling that she wasn’t alone when out of the blue a man came at her swinging a hammer hitting her in the head.

Staggering back a few steps she regained her balance and stood her ground then met her assailant head on and they battled.
After a brief struggle she disarmed him and using her bare hands, strangle the burglar to death.
Susan the nurse is not a small woman and is used to the action and action she sees daily in the ER, so when she was attacked she went to work and from the end results she knows her job well.
Now that is one tough lady who says she isn’t ready to go, but wait this story isn’t over yet.

The burglar is not actually a burglar but a hit man hired by her husband to get rid of the wife.
The assailant (aka useless hit man) works for her husband at his video store.
It didn’t take long for the police to figure it out and even though the husband denies it the evidence says otherwise.
The hit man had the security codes to get by the alarm and the key to get in.

Susan and her husband were or are in she process of getting a divorce and she didn’t want reconciliation so he decided to kill her instead.
What the fuck did he want reconciliation for is what I want to know?
It’s obvious that the husband watches many of the movies he rents because this is a Hollywood ending to bad for him it was more of a B movie ending.
One pain in the ass gone for Susan but his pain will start soon.

Her answering machine had this message for the people looking for her.

“I’m not able to answer all the calls that I’ve received in the past few days. I’m being comforted by your concern and your support. I want you to know that our lives are all at risk for random acts, but more likely random acts of love will come your way than random acts of violence.”

Way to go Susan!!!!!!!!!

It’s 3 am.

Now I am sitting here tired and looking for a challenge.
How’s this.
Remember the post where I asked you to give me a sentence and I will write a post with each sentence in it?
Ok those of you that weren’t here at the time don’t but here you can read that post here and the resulting post here if you wish.

How about we do it again BUT this time I will write a sex post with it?
Same rules, no more than one sentence from each person with no more than 15 words and I won’t take any from an anonymous commenter.
Now Heather, you know I love you and yours don’t you.
I will take everything submitted until Friday and post it next weeks

Have a nice day.


Monday, September 18, 2006

Words To Be Tagged With ©

Kellie from “One Mother's Journey” has tagged me!
It’s simple enough or they always look like they are until I complicate them.
She has given me four words and I have to use them, something like word association I think and then tag some of you for revenge.
HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so you know I won’t tag anyone because I Hate these things.

The words are: Autumn, Hand, Dream and Avoid.
I could just say; “While in a Dream, Autumn managed to Avoid my Hand as I reached for her” and get it done over with but I don’t think that’s what she had in mind.


Autumn reminds when I was a kid rolling around in the leaves that wew just raked up and if you were in a popular dog walking spot you were usually rolling around in more than just leaves.

Autumn reminds me of the leaves changing and the multitude of colors that look like a raibow has fallen and covered the forests.

It reminds me of a steamtrain ride through the Gatineau Hills on the way to Wakefield with minstrals walking car to car entertaining the people like they used to in that period of time.


Hand brings strenth to mind.
Look at the power a hand posseses.
You could grasp something and open it, bend and lift with it.
Both together you could tear something apart.
But I also see gentleness, like when picking up something fragile and precious like picking up a baby.


A friend or a foe for me when I think of a Dream.
I have had years where I never did dream.
Maybe it’s because I had nothing to dream about or maybe it’s what I didn’t want to remember.

It also reminds me of a song;
Dream a Little Dream Of Me.


Memes and tags which I never seem to Avoid, that and large breasted women which is a good thing I suppose.
Trouble is another but when you think of the above that’s the only thing I never Avoid.

As I said I won’t tag anyone, even though there is ONE person I should tag, ah what the hey-eh.

Have a nice day.


Friday, September 15, 2006

Sex Talk: Pussy ©

It’s Friday night, actually Saturday morning and right about now I would be posting a Sex Talk post but I don’t feel like it.
I have one and a song to go with it but I don’t feel like it.
It’s been a hectic week both home and out here in the blog world with 9/11 and all the tributes and the controversy.
Then there was the shootings in a Montreal Prep-School, leaving kids shot down in the cafeteria.
This nut was a blogger with his own page that showed him with guns and his psychobabble.
The thing is that people read his shit and no one bothered to say something to someone.
I can open a huge can of worms right now but I am tired of fighting this week and I’m feeling kinda mellow.
No Skye I’m not stoned and no Vickie I am not drunk, sorry Bennu no drunk post tonight.
It’s just been one of those weeks.

Then the other day while I was in bed the roomy yelled up something about Emme.
I flew downstairs and she was convulsion on her chair and fell off before I got to her.
I snatched her up and she was writhing and ripping into my arms with her legs.
I can’t describe to you how scared I was at that moment.
I know what death is.
I have seen it, we’ve played poker a couple of times who won is still up for debate but this bothered me.
I let Emme lay loosely in my arms as she kicked around.
Her back nails tore off in my shirt.
Then she went limp but I could still feel her breathing.
My roommate was beside himself in shock.
I sat there whispering to her what I know she likes to hear, petting her softly.
Her eyes were two big black marbles and she look disoriented so I figured it was a seizure of some kind but fuck………
She spent the night sleeping next to the bed in her nest because she was scared to sleep next to me.
She looks ok today but I see her a little different when I look at her now....She was always my big fluffy kitten.
I have had Emme for 7 years now.
She adopted me when the person that had her left the country.
I say adopt because when I first met her years earlier she tried to follow me to my care and refused to go away.
Two years later she walked into my house and refused to leave and she is still here.
She is a fat little porker with short legs, who walks fast instead of running and stops every ten feet for a break.
She is always happy to see you and sounds like a Harley tearing up the street always.
Next month she will be 19.
That’s old for a cat.
As I look at her sometimes I wish I never met her because I know she is going to break my heart.

Frick’s a good cat to.
When he saw Emme go down he was right there watching.
When I put her down on the floor later he went right up to her and bumped noses with her.
I guess that’s his way of seeing if she was ok.
He accepted her from the moment he saw her enter my house without any trouble.
He got to be the boss and she ate his food to.
I guess he didn’t mind but he did chase her around, well it was more like ran circles around her and she just got dizzy.

Yeah it been one of those weeks
You Know what?
I’ll make this a Sex Talk post and call it “Sex Talk: Pussy” and fool you all into reading it.
Don't be getting mad at me now, I said it in the first line I didn't feel like posting one.

Have a nice weekend


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Passing Gas ©

Three pounds six ounces….hmmmm kinda heavy.
Now if I don’t wear the jeans and wear the shorts it would be only a pound.
The shoes I could take off so that’s ok and the socks only weigh an ounce.

Oh hi, I’m just getting ready to go to the doctor’s office.
This is the ritual I go through every year and so do many of the other patients that go to my doctor’s office.
It’s not something that he wants us to do but you have no choice.
You see my doctor’s scales are WRONG!!!!
Sure, I know you’re laughing at me right now and think I’m nuts but I’m telling you they are and it’s not only me that says that.
Fuck, I bust my butt loosing weight and I go there and I gain according to him so every year I cut back on clothes to make up the difference.
All pockets have to be empty.
NO CHANGE, five quarters weigh almost an ounce and 28 paper bills weigh an ounce to.
I’ll leave my wallet and cell phone in the car so there is almost another pound.

Yup it all adds up.
I found that out when my ex dragged me to weight watchers.
I didn’t want to go; I was a happy fat person but NOOOOO it was supposed to be fun.
No chocolate, that’s fun
No candy, beer, chicken wings……….. I was walking out the door when they said no chicken wings but they dragged me back in.


Now the ex was adamant about us staying so I agreed, what do I care she was paying for it with my credit card so it’s not like it was my money right?
Now they wanted to weigh us, so while I was waiting my turn I started emptying my pockets when it suddenly dawned on me, WHY?
So I put everything back and I had a good 5 pounds of keys alone.
They weigh me and then we leave.
We had to go to a meeting every week and once a month they weighed us.
For 3 weeks I heard people say, “I don’t know why I got so big”
Hand waving in the air “Because we are gluttons and LOVE bad food”
Just a guess.

3 weeks of this I went through before we could weigh ourselves.
Weigh day, she gets on the scales…..she lost 2 pounds.
That’s great, any weight loss is a win.
Now remember I didn’t want to go.
My ex walks 10 kms at least a day with her job as a letter carrier and we were eating better and she lost 2 pounds.
Now I haven’t done anything but cook what she wants me to make or what ever is in the WW cookbook she bought so I figure unless I cut off one off my legs before the weigh in I’m screwed.

NOW before I left the house I made sure I was wearing the lightest clothes I had and not the jeans like last time when they weighed me.
Then I emptied my pockets and I put what I needed in my waist pouch, which I took off when I went to be weighed.

I got on the scale and they looked at it, wrote it down and thanked me.
They compared it to my previous weight and asked me to get back on the scales again.
They looked at it and yes it was right.
The EX came over to see what they were all looking at and was there when they said I lost 22 pounds in a month.
Well let me tell you.
You have never seen a more pissed off French woman in your life.

What do you mean he lost 22 pounds?
He doesn’t to anything.
He doesn’t exercise
He drinks beer and eats chicken wings.
“Well dear maybe next time it will be you”.
Next time, there will be no next time.
We went out the door and never looked back.
“But I was showing so much promise”.
Yeah right, you cheated; I know you figured a way to cheat.
“Who me”? 25
We went straight for a bottle of wine and chicken wings.

But back to my doctor, his scales are always over by about six pounds and he never listens to reason from anyone so I am making sure to go as light as possible.
Once I am at his office his sister who is also the receptionist takes me in the back to the washroom to weigh me.
Now before I left the house I weighed myself and it said 249 pounds.
The scale next door and the one at my aunts said pretty much the same thing give or take a pound.
The doctor’s scale says 259 pounds.
Huh, COME ON!!!!!!
Last year it was only 6 pounds off!!!!!
I could hear the groans coming from the waiting room.
Then she gives me a bottle for a urine sample.
I take it, smile at her and close the door and lock it.
There now no one could see me.
I turn around to face away from the door and there is this huge window in this small washroom and there is no blind
Or curtain.
So I turn toward the door again and stand there trying to pee in the bottle but in the back of my head I am thinking someone’s going to walk though the door.
Filling as much as I think he might want…. well they never tell you if they want a lot or a little…. I close it and go give it her to test.
She put me in this room to wait for him.
I’m getting my annual ass poke today to.
Yeah you ladies have it worse but I don’t like being poked either.
Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten chili last night.

I hate sitting in this room by myself for to long.
I get sicker being in here.
He has these posters on the wall and pamphlets everywhere for medicines to treat various diseases and conditions.
Usually by the time he gets to the room I have an epidemic.
Today as I was sitting there reading a pamphlet on the prostate when he walks in wearing yellow Playtex gloves and is holding a long white bristled brush.
Oh yeah, this is what I want to see on ass poke day.
”Hey doc, what’s with the gloves, you cutting back on the surgical gloves and just reusing those”?
He tells me he was just cleaning some containers.

Then I get on his case about the scales.
I tell him they are off by 10 pounds.
He says wow you lost 40 pounds.
I say no I lost 50 pounds your scales just put ten of it back.
He’s laughing at me.
I explained to him that everywhere but here I way the same.
He laughs again and says he had them checked.
Yeah right, probably by some demented skinny fucker.
I want to see him bring his wife in and weigh her and see how he likes the slap upside the head she’d give him after he told her, her weight.

We talked for a while and he checked me out and then we got to the disappearing hand test but then he said he wanted me to do another test first.
I had to come back next month for my ass poke.
So in two weeks I have to get my blood tests and then you know.
I walked into the waiting room and my father went in.
Oh, I didn’t tell you I booked his appointment to so I didn’t have to drive him back on another day.
I sat there for half an hour until he came out and we left.
All of a sudden I started to laugh.
He stopped, turned around and asked me what was funny.
I told him nothing.
He said something along the lines I was insane and turned and walked away.
I followed behind him laughing at the neat round greasy spot on the seat of his pants.

Have a nice day


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"Sigh" ©

I am amazed
I’m in AWWWWE !!!!!!!

I went to bed last night at around 4 am.
I sat here reading tribute after tribute.
I read over 200 posts and made as many comments until I couldn’t stay awake any more.
It was the least that I could do since I didn’t participate in this noble endeavor.
If I had known I would have gladly done my part.
Today on their message board there was arguing about tributes not done,
Posts not linked and the MOST disturbing comments were from people complaining that some of the tributes didn’t meet their standards.
NOT the organizers standards but other posters and readers standards.
These posts were supposed to honor the faceless victims of 9/11.
To tell their families they matter and are remembered.
This was NOT a blogging competition.
This was about putting faces to names and introducing you to someone you may have met some day if they were alive but since they are no longer with us you got to meet someone you may have become friends with in some coffee shop while on break, once upon a time.

Step outside on the sidewalk.
Go ahead.
Wave at the cop driving by, come on smile, you forgot to pay that parking ticket.
He nods at you.
Hmmm look Frank got a new riding lawn mower lucky bastard.
Now stop the first person you see.
If he is drunk he’ll probably stop you.
Ask him his name and how old he is.
Make sure you find out where he was born and if he had any brothers, sisters, and his parents name.
Now you got all of that?
Thank him then watch your neighbor kill him in front of your face.
Now go inside and write me a post about his life.

This is what many bloggers had to deal with while writing their tributes.
It’s hard writing about a person you have never met and the lack of information made it harder. Then the violence of their death hits them.
How do you do justice to this stranger and sleep at night?
You don’t want this person wronged again.
You do your best.
Some tributes were long, some were short some were poems.
You do what you know how to do.
You were perfect.

Do you want to know what I spent most of my time doing?
I looked at the name and put it with the face in the picture.
I looked at the way the two of them fit together.
A persons name is only the plaque on his portrait and for me, that’s what really mattered.
The write-ups told us a bit of their life but the picture made that person real.
This is whom their family and friends recognized when they saw him/her walking down the street.
That’s dad or mom……….
Then they had to look into the eyes of someone that they knew was dead and how he/she died then write a post knowing that his family would be reading it.
No pressure.

I don’t know where people get off on criticizing how someone did their tribute.
Forget how they did their tribute.
Bloggers from all over the United States and the World took up the call and brought these people to light once more because they felt the need to do something for that day five years ago when they couldn’t reach out and pull them to safety through their TV sets.
They put their feelings into these tributes.
These people doing the criticizing on people blogs and on the website are only hurting the people that perished, not helping them with more controversy.
This is about them not the people doing the posts.
The blogger was but the tool at their disposal to bring them to life for one more day.
Did you notice when you were reading the tributes that they were smiling.

I guess what I want to say is, you ALL did a great job.

Thank You

As for the whiners……..FUCKOFF.

Have a nice day


Monday, September 11, 2006

A Day To Remember ©

I was buried in the center of my bed, lost in a dream when the phone rang.
“Turn the TV on, the Americans have been attacked”.

WTF is she talking about.
I fumbled under the bed looking for the remote.
Turning the set on there was a picture of one of the Towers was on fire and just then a plane went by and crashed in the other Tower, I was wide awake now.
This looked like something you would see in a disaster movie.

The date is 9/11
These two numbers will remain in the memories of all Americans for an eternity.
How ironic that these two numbers combined (911) is the number most of us call for help, but there will be no helping thousands of people on this day.
That day, a country a people was assaulted by opportunists under the guise of friendship; with their hands out looking for a better life only to snuff out the lives of others.
My, how the beggar has learned to turn an outstretching had of need into a fist of betrayal.
As the smoke rose from the gapping wounds to the Towers, word came that more suicide hijackings were happening throughout the country.
The United States was under attack within their borders with their own airliners.
Airships filled with more innocent souls.

The Pentagon was hit and in a plane thousands of feet in the air passengers were being held against their will.
Some armed with cell phones learned about the other attacks from love ones and rose and said:
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They wrote their own destiny in a field that day.
Their bodies torn, scorched, lifeless but glowing with Honor, Pride and respect for life.
They gave up their lives to save others even if it was for just one life it was worth it because in the end they decided they controlled their own destiny.
As the plane hurled its way into history, loved ones clung to phones, taking in the last words/breath of a wife, husband, son, daughter someone whom they will never hear, see or touch again; children who will never see a parent.
I can’t describe the sense of pride I have at this moment for the passengers on that plane.
They displayed a courage that could only be found in good people.
These people knew how to live, even in death.

This attack even though on American soil affected the world because there were people from other lands in the lists of victims that grew by the day.
People of all faiths perished by those who have no soul by any God’s standard.
Families of people that worked at the Twin Towers were frantically trying to get word of a loved ones status.
Where were they?
Were they hurt?
Were they alive?
Seconds turned into hours and hours felt like forever when waiting for word.

The news showed the legions of police and fire fighters charging into the Towers armed only with the courage beating within their breast to fight back the flames and claim the souls trapped within.
People poured out the front doors and yet more Police and fire fighters charged into the buildings.
New York’s finest
The heartbeat of America
The ones that keep people safe.

The picture started to shake on the TV and a cloud of smoke and dust rushed the screen like a tidal wave.
The Towers collapsed with all the people inside.
Two beacons in the skylight of a great city lay in a twisted mess of metal concrete and blood.
Brave blood
Who says there is no more love for our fellow man?
How many died trying to save someone they never met before?

The whole world will remember Sept 11 2001; it was the day freedom was put to the test.
It was the day that humanity shined.
The world stood up and rushed to aid a friend, not because they were asked but because that’s what people do.
They help each other.
It’s not the Christian thing to do or the Moslem thing to do it’s the people thing to do.
This happened in New York City but it could have happened anywhere in the world where people try to live free and better themselves in peace.

This is the reward for freedom that is bestowed by those who wish to live in an oppressive society where they are supreme.
You can’t have your citizens seeing how happy they could be without them because once they see it then they want it and once they have it you are not getting it back because freedom is sweet.
So they try to take ours away.
One man’s madness triggered a chain of events this day five years ago that has caused pain throughout the world but yet people still protect him.
Would they protect Hitler?
People to this day are dieing as a result of this day.
Soldiers from Canada paid a heavy price recently trying to bring justice to those responsible for this day in 2001.

I have mixed emotions when I think of this day as you can see scattered through out this post.
My problem is I think too much and I categorize everything I run through my head and for me the bottom line is people.
This day should not be about an attack by terrorists it should be about people.

Five years ago today 2996 people woke up in the morning.
It was like any other day of the week.
They got ready for work and said goodbye to their loved ones and headed of to their jobs.
Some were office workers some were firemen, policemen others pilots and stewardesses.
There were people in all trades and occupations.
Today five years ago someone changed they’re future.
They had no future.
Today these people are a symbol.
Not a symbol for revenge but for life.
To many politicians have pointed to this day for gain.
This day is the day that gave Bush the resources to go into Iraq.
NOT after those who caused this loss of life but for his own agenda.
These people were victims of violence and now victims of propaganda by both sides.
A victory for one
Martyrs for the other
It’s all politics.
See how cheap life is?
What these people don’t talk about is that the victims were fathers, mothers, someone’s friend………

I have been around to numerous blogs reading about the individuals who perished that day.
Bloggers throughout the world have chosen a victim and have put faces to the names.
Meaning to the life they had, to show you yes WE were REAL and not just names on a list, not just numbers.
It gives purpose to their existence because if there is no purpose, then their existence was meaningless.
Those 2996 people are a monument to freedom, Stars in the night sky.
They tell you that life is fragile and everyday is as precious from the first moment you opened your eyes too the last one when you close them for the last time.

I think the most important thing this day does, is tell us not to take things for granted.
Don’t rush out the door in the morning but stop, kiss the wife and kids say hi to your neighbor, hug your mother……..
Don’t put off something for to long because you don’t know what tomorrow will bring.

Today is a good day to hug someone you love and feel alive.

Have a nice day.


Friday, September 08, 2006

Sex Talk: Mystic Dream ©

Here it is again.
Friday’s Sex Talk post
I have been getting emails and IM’s for the last week asking me where the one from last week was?
Well my answer to most of the ones that I answered was simply, I didn’t put it up.
I have one and in fact I have three, one that is two thirds done which I wrote with two others.
As much as I enjoy writing them and the collaborations I have with others, I do have priorities and personal ethical beliefs.
To be honest I couldn’t post one up after I put up three posts about Kayla because she was what I was thinking about last week and a Sex Talk post wasn’t important at that time.
BUT this is another week and a Friday so back to Sex Talk.
There is explicit sex in this post so those of you who may be offended I invite you to pick a link on my sidebar and enjoy someone’s post.

Have a nice weekend


It’s five am and I can’t sleep, I was restless all night and I don’t know why.
I got up and went to the washroom and as I stood there in front of the mirror I came to the conclusion that I looked like shit.
Taking up my toothbrush I put some toothpaste on it and brushed my teeth.
After I finished in the bathroom I went back to the bedroom to put on my joggies, I was going for a walk but I have never gone out this early before.
Usually I’m heading off to bed at this hour.

With my backpack on, I strapped my waist pouch around my hips and with Baby Blue in her usual spot I stepped outside.
There was a fog all around at this time of the morning and I could feel the chill as it touched my face causing me to huddle deeper into my hoody.
This was going to be a brisk walk just to keep warm.
Deciding to walk to the market, which is about a five-mile walk there and back, I preceded to push my way through the thick cloud before me.
I must admit fifteen minutes into the walk I was tempted to turn around and go home and crawl back into bed but I pushed on instead and before I realized it I passed through the barrier that separates the past and the present.

The market’s buildings through the fog looked as ancient as they must have looked almost two hundred years earlier when they were first built.
I had never seen the market in this light before.
It was like being back in time to a place where people feared to go to in the daytime let alone the night.
Loggers and sailors walked the boardwalks here back then, chasing the hookers
Murders were a common occurrence in this rough part of the world.
I worked my way deeper into the old part where the buildings had yet to be restored.
The fog gave them a creepy feel that put your senses to their full awareness.
Passing the convent I made my way around the part of the market where the small shops are.
There is a scattering of antique, book and Oddities stores.
Slowing my pace down I looked through the windows as I passed by and occasionally stopped to look at something different
I love oddities.
I collect wooden boxes and knick knacks but my favorites are the unique ones, things I have never seen before so when I see something that catches my attention I stop to study it visually and if it appeals to me then I have to have it.
I don’t know why but the fog started getting thicker when it should have begun dissipating at this time of the morning, it was six am.
I decided to pick up the pace and get to the main part of the market where it wasn’t as spooky.

As I approached the corner the green light started to blink indicating that it was about to go amber so I sped up to make them when just before I reached the corner a black cat leaped out of the fog and scared the shit out of me.
I stood the trying to find a heartbeat watching the light turn red.
Standing there recovering I stared up the ally the cat ran into.
At the end a light blinked at me.
Curiosity got the best of me and with a reluctant step I followed the cat to that flicker deep into the fog.
As I walked deeper in the fog seemed to bounce off of me, concealing any trace of my presence.
Slowly I reached the end of the ally.
It was a dead end with a shop facing me.
It was a small building with a wooden façade that at once time was painted black but the years of sun and rain had worn the color down and cracked the wood in places.
I could see the flicker past the dirty window deep into the bowls of this shop.
I took a step back and looked up at the sign above the door.
It said:
Dream of Dreams
Taro Card and Palm readings

Looking back through the window I was startled by the face staring back at me.
Catching my breath once more I look at the face as it receded back into the shadows.

Stepping up to the window once more I looked in and could now see the flicker of a candle on a small table.
Next to it was an Orb in a stand.
As I looked at it, I swear it looked like a cloud in the night sky trapped in a round sphere.
As I stared at it, it looked like it was churning inside it.
Looking to the right side of the front I could see the door and the sign on the front said open.
Pushing the door open a bell on the door began to jingle.
Closing the door I walked to the sphere and reached down to pick it up.

“Intriguing isn’t it” She said.
For the third time I was made to jump and hold my breath in such a short time.
“Yes it is” I told her, is it for sale.
“Everything is for sale” and she smiled at me.
I looked at her closely now she had long curly hair and dark eyes.
Her lips were dark red, full and sporting an alluring smile that beckoned to be kissed but her eyes.
Her eyes were dark, mysterious, like shadows that swallowed up the light.
She was wearing a black cotton dress that went all the way to the floor.
She was bare foot.
She walked around the table and me with her dress dragging along the floor behind her like an obedient pet.
I detected the soft scent of jasmine coming from her as she passed me.
She picked up the Orb from its pedestal and holds it up to look at.
“You see how the stars are captured in its grasp,” she asked.
I looked at the speck that seemed to wink at me from the orb.
She slowly turned it a bit more.
“You can see the hills, the mountains, the valleys and the deserts here and as I turn it like this, the oceans swallow the earth and purifying man’s lust” she said.

I was lost in the Orb now looking at the changes it took before me.
She bent over and placed the Orb on the stand.
I couldn’t help but look at her ass, its roundness and her slim hips.
She looked simple but in a wild and free kind of way.
Turning to me, she smiled and asked if I would like her to show me around her shop.
I told her I would enjoy that very much and she took me by the arm and walked me through her shop.
I must say it was bigger on the inside than it look like from the outside.
All the walls were curtained with a dark material.
As we got to the back of the shop she offered me some herbal tea.
She said she made it herself.
I told her it would be nice.
She took my hand and headed for the wall and just as I thought she was going to smash herself into it, the curtain parted into another room.
There was a small tabletop stove with a teapot on it.
She went over and filled it with water and then put it on to hear up.
She then went into the cupboard and got a can, which she filled a small tea container to drop in the pot.
When the water was hot she dropped it in for a couple of minutes and then poured us each a cup and came over and sat next to me.

I sipped on my tea, it had a mellow sweet taste to it and the aroma was soothing.
After a bit I wanted to just fall back into the chair and dream.
I put my cup down and sunk back into the chair.
She picked up my hand and turned it over.
Running her finger over the lines of my palm, she looked at me and said that I had strong hands and finders.
Looking deeper into the crevices of my palm she said I was an extremely sexual person.
Her palm covered my hand and she got up and straddled my legs resting on my lap.
Looking deep into my eyes she bent forward and kissed me lightly at first, then deep with her tongue in my mouth.
I couldn’t resist and pulled her closer to me and felt her breast pushed up against my chest.
My head was spinning with her kisses; I was in a dream world floating in time.
It was all so surreal.
My hands pushed up her dress as they slid up her soft legs.
She was sucking and kissing my neck.
I could feel her teeth biting the soft skin of my neck where it meets my shoulder with her tongue soothing the pain.
I pushed my hands up her panties cupping her soft but firm butt then lifting her slightly up my body and started doing what she had just done to me by biting her neck.
Sitting up on my lap she let the top of her dress fall off her shoulders to her hips exposing her breasts.
They were small and perky with hard erect nipples.
I gently ran my palm over her nipples waking as beast within her.
Her legs tighten around my legs as my fingers passed over one at a time.
Bending to her I took her nipple in my mouth and started sucking gently at first but then with a hunger.
Her fingers tugged and my hair as she suck her teeth into my back.
I could feel their sharpness even through the thick material of the hoody.
I moved from one top the other mimicking the same for both.
My cock was swollen in my pants right now, busting to get out and burrow it’s self between her legs.

Slowly pushing her off of me I stood up and took my shirt off while she was undoing my pants.
I tossed my hoody to the floor just before my pants fell down to my ankles.
Getting down on her knees she started biting my cock through my underwear, nibbling from the head down my shaft to my balls.
I could feel her hand around my balls squeezing them as she pulled my member through the opening of my shorts.
It was out and erect when her tongue slid from the base until it got to the top engulfing the head in her mouth and taking half my shaft with strong lips as her head moved towards my torso only to stop and with more force she pulled back with her tongue sliding over and around my head,
She had me on my toes as she slowing released more of me from her mouth.
Just as I was about to be out of her she repeated the process time and tome again. I have found her rhythm and my hips slowly moved back and forth meeting her lips with the pace she dictated.
Her hands holding the back of my thighs with her nails digging into the skin, she fucked my cock with her mouth without taking a pause or a break for air.
I know she could feel me swelling in her mouth as the fire built up inside me.

Looking down I could see her looking up at me as she mauled my cock.
I could barely keep my eyes open to see her.
Releasing my cock from her mouth she stood up and stepped back onto a table.
Lifting her dress she revealed her wet dripping pussy.
Running her fingers through her trimmed bush she stared at me as she slipped her fingers inside and started playing with herself.
I stood there watching, stroking my cock and getting turned on even more as she finger fucked her self.
I could see her wet fingers glistening as they slid in and out of her body.
She had this mischievous look in her eyes as she watched me stroking myself.
Taking her fingers out she licked each, one at a time and then held out her hand and asked if I wanted some.
Cock in hand I walked over and she slipped them in my mouth to suck on.
Taking them both in my mouth I sucked and licked them clean.

I knelt before her and ran my tongue over her wet pussy.
Pushing her legs more open I started sliding my tongue inside her lapping up her juices as they dripped out.
Her fingers were meshed in my hair, pulling me into her encouraging me to suck on her clit.
Moving my lips over her clit I started rubbing it with my tongue only stopping to suck on her clit with my lips.
She lay back on the table and wrapping her legs around my neck.
She was moving her hips up and down rubbing herself into my face.
Grinding her pussy into me as I a grabbed mouthfuls to suck on with every passing.
I could hear her moans now filling the room as her hips moved faster and faster across my face.
She was fucking my now soaked face.
I couldn’t take it anymore.
I got up and walked back to the chair and I told her to come sit on my cock.
Getting off of the table she pushed down her dress to the floor and walked over and mounted me as I sat there hold my cock for her to sit on.
Her tight pussy got a strangle hold of my cock and it almost hurt as she lowered herself on me.
As she fucked me my head started to spin and it looked like the fog was now in the store.
She rode my hard cock vigorously, pounding my ass into the chair.
I hand her tits in my hands now squeezing them hard and my thumbs pushing down on the nipples like as if they were buttons to increase her lust.
She fucked me with a wild passion that erupted from her mouth in a loud scream that filled the whole shop.
Her voice pierced my mind like a burning iron causing me to erupt inside her.
The fog was all around us now in the shop and I could barely see her as she sat on me.
My hold world started spinning before me and in a gust of wind that felt like a breath going by me and then the fog was gone.
I found myself standing in front of the light standard, as it turned green.
In a daze I walked out of that section of the market and into the growing crowd of people on their way to work.
I was exhausted for some reason and confused.
I couldn’t understand what had happened.
It took me an hour to make the 30 minute walk back home everything was heavy.
My legs, arms even back pack weighed what seemed like a ton.
Reaching home I collapsed on the couch and slid the backpack off and dropped it to the floor with a thud.
It was heavier than when I left so I opened it and inside I found an Orb.
The shop, I remember a shop and the woman in the black dress.
I went to sleep right there on the couch and dreamed about the woman.
When I woke up I showered and took the car and drove back to the market.
I went to where the shop would have been but it wasn’t there and it wasn’t a dead end but a laneway that opened up on the other block.
I drove around to see if I made a mistake but no, it was here this morning……………
I drove back home and sat down in front of the coffee table.
The Orb sat on its pedestal in the center of it with the Sky and the Earth touching where the clouds meet or is that where dreams live?

Have a nice weekend


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Brain Farts ©

Guy walked into the pizzeria the other day and up to the counter.
The cook recognized him immediately as a regular.
Hi, can I have a small combination please but can you cut it into four pieces instead of eight. I’m not that hungry today.
Sure no problem.

This happened last week at Pizza Hut where my friend is manager.
The guy actually believed the customer that he would be eating less pizza if the same pizza were cut into fewer pieces.
Just so you know who is making your food.

Excuse me can I have a beer please.
If you are going to have more than one, may I suggest buying a jug?
You get more for your money.
I think this sounds cool.
I look at the menu and see a jug is 16 dollars for 60 ounces and a glass with 20 ounces is $4.95.
Umm nix the jug and get me a glass.
Makes you wonder how many they had before they wrote up this menu.


I walk up to the door of the bank and went to push my way in only to find the door closed.
It’s in the middle of the week and it’s not a busy bank so I figure maybe they all went to the washroom at the same time.
Who knows, maybe the manager is hopping a teller in the loans department.
I pace around outside for about ten minutes and then peek inside the bank.
I can see the teller now so I figure she would be coming over to open the door soon.
Two minutes go by and still nothing.
Just then a little old lady excuses herself past me and PULLS the door open.



I run to the other room.
Snake, WTF was that loud noise?
The window fell out and to the street.
I look out the now gapping hole in the side of the building and there is a crowd of people around the shattered window.
It’s a good thing there was no one down there when it landed.
What happened Snake?
I don’t know.
I was walking away and then heard thus loud noise.
And you didn’t touch it?
NO, but I took this flag someone stuck in the side of it out and threw it in the garbage.
I walked over to the garbage and took out a piece of wood with a paper tapped to it that said


We better go Snake.



It seems that I am a pushover for batting eyes and a sucker for a bet with a woman.
Not me.
Uh Uh
And there is no way I am going to be sucked into another bet.
Nope, nada
No woman is sucking me into another bet again……….EVER!!!

OK I got the Arizona Cardinals over the San Fran 49’ers.

LA LA LA LA ………..

Done in by 05 again.

That’s it from now on no more 05 you have to glue you eyes open when you talk to me.

The loser has to write about either:
A) His favorite person in Texas, specifically Monica.
B) Her favorite person in Canada specifically one out of 35 million.

I have one person to choose as opposed to 35 million, hmmm.

Somehow I think I'm getting screwed again.

I got to get a manager.

Have a nice day
