blue moon (2)

Friday, March 10, 2006

I Ain't A slut No More ©

Isn’t life a bag of laughs?
My bed isn’t cold yet and I’m getting emails from women offering me sex.
Actually when you get right down to it my bed has been empty for over a year and these women that have been emailing me are to far to warm it up anyway but the fact remains that they are propositioning me.
This happened to me that last time in backgammon also where the minute the door had a crack in it women were whooshing in.
As flattering as it sounds, I do have a problem with this and that it demeans what I thought I had.

Four years ago I was a slut.
There is no other way to say it.
I had 6 women that I saw on a regular basis for sex, one was married and I slept with her sister in law too with the husband/brothers consent.
The sister’s husband didn’t know.
Fine, but with all that I was getting it was not enough.
There was always something missing in all of this.
The sex was great but when it was over they had to leave.
There lies the problem.

Life should be shared I now believe.
Any dog can go out and get laid but how many can find love?
When you go to bed at night, those of you with partners can relate to the comfort of having someone in bed with you.
Even if you’re not all coiled up together, it’s good to know you have someone there all night that wants to be there.
Those of you who don’t have a partner, know how lonely it could get at night when you have no one next to you to keep you company.

My friend G has been wanting a relationship for as long as I could remember but she is still alone and she can’t figure out why. I have tried to tell her that unless she stops what she is doing it would never happen.
You see she is hooked up with all these internet chat places where she meets people just to go out and get laid.
Most of the guys there want one thing and that’s to get fucked.
Some are even married.
She meets them and gets laid and then wonders why they never call back.
I tried to explain to her that these are not the places to meet people, maybe just a dating service where you keep your legs closed until you find someone that is interested in you and not your pussy.
Four bottles of wine later and she still doesn’t understand.
She has been trying to fuck me now for 2 years and is pissed at me for not accepting. This is one of the reasons she will be alone for a long time.

For me the slut years have ended and I have been looking for the one person I could share a life with.
As much as I love sex there has to be a time where the best sex is with the person who could make your heart skip a beat with a look.

Now I don’t want to insult anyone one who has been sending me emails but frankly, I am not interested.
I haven’t even found time alone since I left New Zealand to think about what happened let alone want to fuck someone else.
I’m not that way or better still I’m not the slut I was.


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