blue moon (2)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Pussy Footing Around ©

So I am laying on the couch watching the news about the happenings going on in the Ukraine.
Now I have an opinion on the situation but this post isn’t about my opinion but more about the posturing the world and the parties involved are performing.
Let’s face it, it’s already a done deal but for the dancing.

As I am watching the TV, two of my four cats come bouncing in like two seasoned fighters, circling each other trying not to expose a vulnerable target for the other to attack.
Like two black panthers, mother, daughter slowly closed the gap between them coiled up like two heavy duty springs ready to explode in a cascade of claws and fur.

Looking away from the TV and Putin’s “I don’t give a fuck about anyone” look, Alice sprung at her mother, wrapping herself around her neck clawing and biting as hard and as fast as she could.

Just as Obama came on the news babbling about something I didn’t hear but I could hear him telepathically speaking to Putin,
“ What the fuck are you doing bitch|?
“Couldn’t you have done all this quietly or waited until I was gone from office”?
“Can’t you see I got my hands full with heath care, immigration and that fucken cry baby Biden constantly whining about Hillary running for president but no, you have to go out there stomping your little feet in those big shoes pissing everyone off and blaming me again for not doing something”.

That’s when Elvira rolled over Alice and tore into her belly.
Screaming with pain Alice tried to escape but she was done and knew it so she went limp giving up.
This is where the point I am trying to make come to light.
When Elvira was sure she had won, she starts licking the others ass and this isn’t the first time I have seen this.
Every time the battle is over the winner licks the other ones ass.

Do these animals know something that we don’t or did they find my stash and are getting high.
But you know, as I am sitting here thinking about this, we do it too.
Think about it.
WWII, The bad guys, Italy, Germany, Japan.
They were responsible for destroying most of the world and the architects behind the annihilation of millions of souls.
We, the allies kicked their butts and won.
We beat them so bad they had to bend over for us to lick their butts after the war so they could become better off than we are today.
Same thing isn’t it?.
The victor gets to suck ass and watch their economy go down the drain while the vanquished rise out of the ashes better than they started and with our tax money to boot.
Maybe we need to loose once in a while to get our asses licked?
I wonder who has the longer tongue, Putin or Obama?
The only thing we know for sure is as politicians they will be forked tongues.

As Elvira licked away, out of the corner of my eye I spot Salem, the 30 pound tomcat walk by down the hall with a medium pizza box clenched in his mouth eagerly being followed by his son Ozzy.
I see more ass licking down the road.

Have a nice day


1 comment:

GAB said...

YOU HAVE 4 CATS? Nice! I have 1 but 2 live here! My cat Lucky and our son's cat waffles formally known as Bob. Now poor Lucky really hates Waffles. Why you might ask? Well I did what I felt was right for my cat(s) (when we had 2) and had them de-clawed(front only) and Waffles has his claws. So in any fight they have Lucky always gets the worst end of it But because he is the bigger cat he usually wins! (That's my boy!) I wonder what is gonna happen when Waffles moves out the 28th of this month? Will Lucky miss him? Will he need a replacement? after all Lucky had Pumpkin when we first brought Lucky home (till he passed from cancer) then he was alone for almost a whole year before Waffles formally known as Bob moved in as a brand new baby to which Lucky wasn't happy at all till Waffles grew up so that Lucky could play with him. So with all that in mind I may have to start looking for another playmate for Lucky!